Greetings to the members of diyhub community, it is good to be here once again and I hope all is going well. Today I and my elder brother went out for outing and while we were on our way out, I saw this pond filled with ducks and flower and it was really beautiful and it also reminded me of the beauty of nature as well. I couldn't just get the picture out from my mind and my obsession began as I decided to make something to represent what I saw today, and so I decided to make this miniature clay pond. This project requires minimal materials and basic crafting skills, making it perfect for crafty individuals, nature lovers and those looking to explore their creativity more. Let's get started on how I made it.
• Blue color clay
• White color clay
• Black color clay
• Yellow color clay
• Orange color clay
• Green color clay
• Pink color clay
• Small pin
• Pencil
• Glue
step I
To begin mix a small amount of blue and white colour clay, make round shape by rolling it and then flatten it to make it look like a pond.
step 2
After doing that, I then took small amount of black and white clay mixed together to make small round form to look like the rock and I also made several pieces of it and place it round the blue clay
step 3
In this step I made the yellow duck by pressing, shaping, and moulding the yellow clay to my desired shape. Make a small beak of the duck with little portion of orange color clay. Then pick a very small portion of white clay and make a small round shape by pressing it. Attach the shape in the center of the head to make the eye.also make the eyeball by attaching a small piece of black clay to the eyes, and then place the yellow duck in the pond.
step 4
Here make a leaf flower by taking a small piece of green clay, press it and roll it to make a stick, then press and flatten another small piece of clay and make a flower shape on it and attach to the pond
step 5
Using the same process in step 4 make a nice Lilly flower made with pink clay and attach it to the pond as well.
step 6
Lastly make your white duck with white clay using the same process in step 3 and attach it to the surface of the pond.
Here's my final result
With these steps you can create a miniature clay pond that appreciates nature and can be also used to beautify our homes. I hope you enjoyed reading through and the process involved are very clear and simple.