Still on the dCity kick - Testing new starter cities for CITIZEN mining

in #dcity3 years ago

Hello friends family and followers, I am finalizing all my dCity work for a while now, and was just looking to rebuild some starter cities after the big changes to Popularity have now finished.

Popularity is what powers the most important mechanism for new cities - CITIZEN MINING.


That's right, the first thing you want to shoot for with a new city is to increase your chances of mining new citizens with POPULARITY. The exact math behind citizen mining appears to have changed behind the scenes, so for now it is a SECRET. I am doing my best with some A/B testing cities to see if I can't tease out some tips which I may or may not share with you all in the future - although I have trouble keeping my mouth shut sometimes!

Citizen prices are quite expensive!


And at the time of posting, someone bought all the immigrants so they appear even more expensive than homeless. Let's just say that we want to continue to get our hands on these.

I have been using parks and art galleries to do this job since I began, since I always had so many of them. Right now park's prices are really expensive, but I still have a lot of them, so I can potentially make some good offers for new players on this city.


Here is my new invention, a nuclear powered citizen mining facility. I noticed that both the nuclear plants and the related cold fusion technology card are relatively cheap on the market.


Here's the city layout in City Helper view:


Park 75 * 275 sim = 20650 sim
Art Gallery 13 * 700 sim = 9100 sim
Nuclear Plant 4 * 1000 sim = 4000 sim
Police Station 1 * 1900 sim = 1900 sim
Cold Fusion Tech 1 * 300 sim = 300 sim

Total: 35925 sim

This is approximately the cost of the city if you were to buy it off the market right now. At a 0.00048 SIM price in HIVE this is equal to 17.244 HIVE.

I am offering to sell these cities to players at 31000 SIM or 16 HIVE.

This is the legendary 'Starter Pack' for dCity - take advantage while you can.

ROI potential?

There is of course a 1.6% chance to mine a background, of which there is a 10% chance to mint a lake, the only background that sells pretty well on the market. Assuming a value of 3000 sim per lake, we can get an expected value of 175.2 SIM/year on Lake backgrounds, half a percent per year apr just in LAKEs.


But besides background mining, we have the main source of our income, citizen mining. I haven't tested enough of this model long enough to know actual drop rates for citizen mining, so I am going to make some conservative estimates here.

I first don't know what sort of chance there is to drop students. More info to come on this, a potential great source of ROI.

But let's take homeless + immigrants at 100/200 sim value, and assue we are going to be able to land 75% of days.

0.75 *365 * (200+100)/2 = 41062.5 SIM per year

132% APR on my discount STARTER city price!

And even a 114.3% APR on the market price of 35925 sim.

Of course I cannot guarantee this drop rate, likely its higher with some chance of getting a student, and technically could be as high as 95% chance per day to drop a student.

I have up to 10 of these cities available at this price, let's see if there is any interest in getting started in dCity with one of these easy to manage starter cities. You can easily start to expand this city by selling the citizen drops by working on cheap INCOME or EDUCATION cards next.

If there are any questions, I am always happy to help new players the best that I can and to the time available to me.

Freedom and Friendship



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isn't 30% the max drop rate for new citiziens?

yes, I think it is likely that this is still the case - remember that 30% is the drop rate and there are 12 draws per day (every 2hrs), plus you are limited by one citizen per day.

By the way, what happened to the post you were going to make for me about that game? Sim City something? 👀

I wasn't aware of the 12 draws, with my city it feels like it actually got flat 30% chance to get a new citizen per day, but maybe I am just unlucky.

Speaking of unlucky, I had the whole Sim City review done and recorded but then a dog came along and ate the whole thing... ^^*. I will get back to it, back then I completed the tutorial but havent made a real run yet. It is coming soon TM

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 97 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

You can easily start to expand this city by selling the citizen drops by working on cheap INCOME or EDUCATION cards next.

This is really nice to know

Love these experiments, I don't know where you find the time but good on ya brother. New players are key but getting started can be complicated so these starter packs are perfect.


Quiero jugar.Estoy pendiente para entrar en el juego 🎮 ...

Yo le enseño, me dices y hablamos de esto directamente

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Mmm if not all sold I think about city like you create, mb I ready to buy in two week

Think about it!

Hey @ecoinstant , how's it going? Do you still have any starter cities left? I'd be interested in buying one. Is the price still 16 HIVE?
BTW, remember how I said BeeChat only works half the time? Hahaha, it may actually be less than that! 😆

Hola, pensando en empezar este juego. aun tienes starter cities a la venta? sale mas rentable que comprar las cartas en el mercado?

I want to start playing and think this is a helpful guide. I want to have the "starter city" kit. 😅 Where can I get info about it?

Great initiative that'll help bringing a lot of new players to the game.... INCLUDING ME!

I want one of these starter cities :D How do we do the transaction?

Also, can you talk more about "expand this city by selling the citizen drops by working on cheap INCOME or EDUCATION cards next."? I'm 100% newbie on the game, so I'll be following your tips until I have the knowledge to go on my own :D


@ecoinstant pls don't forget me hahahaha

Thanks for the reminder! You can list homeless or immigrants on the market, and use that SIM to buy research centers or schools (for EDUCATION stat) or look for cards with the INCOME stat, and compart price/income, and find the cheapest. The idea is to use the citizen mining to continue to expand your city in other ways.

Oh, now I understand :D

How can we close the deal in order to buy one of yours Starter Cities? I'm actually very interested on starting the game :D

If you like, you can send me 31000 sim or 16 HIVE to @ecoinstant and I will send you your new city! If you would like to talk more about it first, just let me know any questions!


Done :D

I don't have enough knowledge to start asking questions, I think hahaha You suggested investing more on Education, is there a specific reason for it? Eg education is overall good; more education combos with the starter city; etc.?

Your new dcity has been sent! Its probably best to get a church or student card first, I am doing testing now to see how much this affects citizen mining ROI.

education stat with 1 research lab card allows tech card mining daily, depending on the price of education this might be a better strategy, but if you can get INCOME cards cheaply this is another way (to mine SIM tokens).

Thanks a lot :D :D :D

Heya! I think I got lucky, and on my first day with the city I got a Student! :D

Should I keep the bad boy around, or sell it for other stuff (Church, Research Centre, etc.)? As far as I understood, for those other buildings to work, I have to first have enough workers, so I have to buy stuff like Parks in order to have more workers in the first place.

What's the rate of citizens drops these days?

I think I haven't gotten any for well over a week.

Something has changed, I have various types of cities mining now to try to detect what is going on. Gerber has been mute about the issue.

I mean, it still works, maybe the rate is way different now.

I have started events and got no drops this past week.

I bought all the cards exactly like this - I got a citizen capt. rate of 2% - what happened lol

I think they've changed something so this doesn't really work anymore??

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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I don't know but I stopped paying attention as much because I have only been getting 0.01 SIM per day lately. Would this even be considered positive income and I don't think they ever fixed my mining citizens problem? I even have a law firm but the base tax with everything is already 100% so it just feels like cards aren't worth it.

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Hey @ecoinstant, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Love the concept of selling starter cities to n00bs.

I actually got started via buying one off @summertooth for I think STEEM! (Hope you dumped that shit quicksmart, mate! haha).

In terms of your starter cities that are optimised for citizen mining, can you talk a bit more on the potential to scale them up?

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