Hello hivers out there,hot excited to join this ASEAN Hive Challenge "ASEAN Hive Pet Pals"and I will introduce to you all my favorite pet.This is my favorite pet, it's name is girly Austin. It's name Austin is from the word month August. Way back August 2021 I and my husband brought this bird and started to feed her. I started to like this pet and became my favorite pet when she layed eggs, seeing how she care for her eggs and untill those eggs get hatched. I really took care of them untill they multiply and multiply their number.
And here they are now, the others are still in their nest taking care for their eggs and their baby bird. We feed them three times a day, in the morning, noon and afternoon. After eating in the morning they fly high and enjoy their time playing with some other birds. Sometimes they don't go out Specially rainy days, they got to stay in their home. Some mother birds are feeding their babies.
When I call them I just have to shout a little bit "korrrrrrk" that's how I call them for feeding time. And they will fly and come to me to eat their food. I really enjoyed feeding them, sometimes I get one of them and I will talk to it just like a friend brushing it's hair with my palm and kissed.
I had a lot of pet bit this bird is my favorite.