in #hive-1820744 months ago

I listened close and one of the resounding words Bro Eli uses was Prudence, a prudent man(husband) and a prudent woman(wife) but i feel many do not actually grasp the basic meaning of the word and why Bro Eli specifically Emphasises with it, so i decided to look things up for my reviews, prudent means Acting with or showing care for the future, that's exactly what a prudent wife or a husband should do.

I have often wonder why is it that Mostly in the western countries you have high rate of devorce among married couples, but if you observed how it all starts you be force to swear that this union is forever, they're just perfect together, everything fits perfectly, then they both woke up one morning and realise it was all a mistake, a fantasy that took over them like a wild fire

When it comes to the matter of love a lot of people do not pay attention to the fundamentals, to them its all about the physical looks and attribute, that's why there are lots of issues in relationships everyday because people just jump into it without a second thought, the person you're dating now is it from God?, is it meant for you,? what are The signs that you've seen, did you seek the lord or pray about the relationship?, a lot of men get married to someone who wasn't meant for them and so are some women too and that's why there will be chaos and ups and downs in the relationahips because there's no compatibility, no correlation etc....

There's someone specifically created for each and everyone of us, and when you meet that person you will know for sure, its like when Adam saw Eve his wife for the first time no body told him anything , he looked at her and said, this is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh right there je declared her his wife and they both understood each other.

The scriptures says he who finds a wife finds a good thing and will obtain favour from the lord, there has to be a genuie searching for, that soulmate of yours somewhere in the universe. Bro Eli said something profound and that is why rush into something you're not certain, getting into a wrong relationship is disastrous, if you notice that this is not the right person for you why not back down and keep on searching,

there are numerous men and women In the world all searching for that one life time partner and so its something that you can't imagine were or when or how you will meet that one person, but when you do , you will just know that this is the one