Good afternoon my fellow planet lovers today is Saturday 26th of October,2024, the last Saturday of this month and a general clean up day in my area like i said yesterday that it was going to be alot of works to do today both at the hall and my compound there was a lot of works to do both weeding the weeds and cutting the grasses with a mower and some was cutting the grasses with their bare hands with a cutlass you needed to have seen me cutting those grasses, after the cutting and weeding we had to rake the grasses pack them in a basket and dumb them at the dumbing area, after that we started washing the toilets for the cleaning to be complete we used lime antiseptic liquid odour control to avoid smells of any kind after that we started picking up the trashes , and washed the hall ,cleaned the chairs and tables everywhere was just sparkling clean though the work was hectic shaa but was enjoyable too ,so over to my compound cleaning all we did was to fill up all the potholes with small small stones and a sandy soil for the holes to filled and