We are in a generation where everything is gradually becoming digital. Most people spend more of their time on the internet than in the physical world.
The internet seems to provide a comfort zone for us. It has that ability to provide the exact answer we are looking for in every area of our lives.
The internet has made life so easy, creating access for us to any kind of information we want and also made it so easy for us to connect with our loved ones across the world.
I believe that each of us has the right to own private properties, properties like lands, cars, houses, phones, personal computers and so on, which need the internet to perform certain activities.
If we have the right to own properties that need the Internet, then the Internet automatically becomes part of our rights.
If the internet is not supposed to be part of our entitlements, then our devices should have been designed without a provision for such.
In view of that, every human should have the right to enjoy the internet. Preventing anyone from it is a violation of the person's right. Come to think of it, it's the person's device and it's the person who makes subscriptions to get access to the service. Why prevent him or her from it?
Probably the only limitation should be on children to prevent them from getting access to information that is not for them at that age, otherwise, access to the internet should be a right to everyone.
Ideally, the internet was invented for good purposes, and to be frank, over the years many people have been using it for what it was meant for.
However, we can't change the nature of man. Some people always find a way to abuse whatever comes their way, they have a way of turning light into darkness no matter how bright it is.
No doubt they have been using the advantage of the internet to do evil but that doesn't negate the fact that there are still people who are still using it the right way.
Saying that having access to the internet is our right doesn't mean that violating the usage should not incur punishment and again, denying someone access to it for the safety of others isn't wrong.
To every right there is a limitation and that includes the internet too. There are extents that our rights over the internet can't cross and if we insist and go beyond, then we should be ready for punishment.
I think this applies to every right. For instance, we have the liberty to go anywhere we want but there are restricted areas and if we cross them we can end up being jailed or even get worse punishments that can take away that liberty from us.
In my opinion, access to the internet is already a right from the look of things. Most people are restricted from it sometimes as a form of punishment from an offence, for instance those in prison.
Preventing anyone from using the internet outside the ground that the person committed an offense can result in a serious problem.
In this generation that the internet is like life to a lot of people, no one would take it lightly with anyone who tries to cut them off from the internet, except in the case of children and parents.