High Cost Of Petroleum And Bad roads, A Major Transport Issue In My Locality

in #hive-15385028 days ago

High Cost Of Petroleum And Bad Roads, A Major Transport Issue In My Locality

Photo by Lloyd Freeman

Roads are one of the busiest things in the world, 24/7 people and goods are being conveyed from one place to another.

The road doesn't rest, it receives pressure every single day. Like everything else, the road too can grow weak no matter the kind of durable material that was used to make it.

Once roads are made, that's it, no one cares to check them again, the road would be used for decades without maintenance forgetting that too much pressure causes it to wear out and if it's been neglected it will gradually fade out until it's totally bad.

This is why we have potholes and roads without shoulders in most of our places. It's a thing of concern because bad roads endanger our lives and also delay our journey.

Bad roads used to be one of the major problems of transportation in my place a few years ago, but the federal government has decided to come to our aid by making good and comfortable roads for us. Some places are completed while others are still ongoing.

Although It's taking like forever, it's almost been a month since they demolished houses and shops in the name of expansion and scrapped part of the old road without doing anything reasonable.

The tarred road that was left is so narrow and it's already causing problems. Well, I believe that as soon as they are done with the double-lane project, roads will no longer be a problem again.

That aside, currently, the biggest problem of transportation in my place that affects me and virtually everyone around is the high cost of transportation.

A drop that used to be 50 naira some years back is now 300 naira. Ever since the price of petroleum increased, transportation has become a burden.

If you are going out and plan to use public transport, just budget times two, if not three times what you used to pay before, if not prepare to trek. Transportation is now for the rich. Many people have parked their cars and motorcycles and decided to start using public transport because of the outrageous cost of fuel. I don't know the last time I traveled out of my state because of how expensive the transport fare is.

The whole thing is just so annoying but we have nothing to do other than to keep enduring while we pray for better days.

Way out

There is no solution to this problem other than for the government to reduce the price of fuel or for the people to get other sources of income to boost what they earn.

If we earn well, I believe that whatever we spend won't get through to us but in a situation where one earns very little and yet spends so much money on transportation, the whole thing becomes frustrating.

The addition of salaries too will go a long way to help but those who work under private organizations, those who are self-employed, farmers and dependents will be terribly affected.

Thanks For Reading


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