Setting Limit To How Much People Earn Is Unfair In Itself

in #hive-15385025 days ago

Setting Limit To How Much People Earn Is Unfair In Itself

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics

People don't just earn by luck, whatever a person has in his or her possession was gained through hard work, wisdom, dedication, knowledge, and so on.

Some people are making millions within hours, people can sit in the comfort of their homes and make another person's salary within a day and they are not stopping, the money keeps coming in and it's accumulating.

Some have investments that can pay an entire state salary for a month and still not get exhausted and that's not all, they also have other means to earn.

Unfortunately, another person only battles with one job and struggles to survive. Looking at the whole thing it seems some people are being cheated.

As true as that sounds, I don't think there should be a limit to how much people earn. The first thing I want to point out to is the word "earn," whatever anyone receives or makes at the end of the day was earned. You made it for yourself. It's your responsibility, how much you make is dependent on you.

I don't want to know how the person arrived there, as far as the person was able to arrive at that place, whatever he has is his, it would be unfair to put a limit to his or her success.

Most people who are receiving or making huge money today once paid the price either directly or indirectly. If only they would show you the kind of sacrifices they made before reaching wherever they are today, you would know that they are worth whatever they are earning.

Earning big doesn't stop anyone from breaking forth as well. If you want to get where they are, then pay the price too.

It annoys me whenever I hear people say this man is too rich and doesn't deserve the privileges coming to him. Where were you when he was making it?

Some people spent decades building what they are earning today, you want to just come with your one-year experience and be like them overnight? It doesn't work that way.

People earn based on merit, hard work, and position, if you want to upgrade too, do better. It's not anyone's fault that people are in whatever condition they find themselves. It sounds bad for some people to be earning small with so much labor while others do just little but earn so much but that's life.

If you look closely, those who are earning little don't have the qualifications to earn big or don't want to pay the price attached. Would it not be more unfair if they were not being placed equally with those who have the qualifications and paid the price?

Life itself is unfair, we are all humans, yet some people are blind, some lame, some deaf, what can you say about it? Being human by default is supposed to make us all the same but some are normal while others are not.

Life is a game of survival for the fittest, if you can adjust to the system, build yourself, and be available for the tasks, you will be among the fat ones but if you can't, then the opposite will befall you.

People should be allowed to earn as much as they can. There should be no limit to how much people earn, go as far as you can, it's all up to you.

We just can't be equal no matter what, nothing can be one hundred percent similar to another, except maybe machines. Just imagine how life would be if we were all equal. Life would be stuck, there wouldn't be that motivation to explore and to grow.

Thanks For Reading


My brother, i am totally against this. It should be open so that every one could put in hard work.

Exactly sir, people should earn as much as they can.. one man's success is not a barrier to that of another. If you okay with what you have, let those who are not be

Like seriously, such a thing can't work because some people work so hard to get to wherever they are while some keep wasting their time and being lazy, so why should there be limits for people who work really hard to earn?
Well, it's just a prompt anyway because if such a law should exist here in Nigeria the government should be expecting nothing but chaos.

Hahaha, you are right ma, setting limit to how much we can earn is like cheating those who are working so hard and doing everything possible to become extraordinary. It will even make the nation poor, imagine how lazy many people would become

The last paragraph got me. We are not equal. And that’s it.

As humans we are not created equally. And so does life. Those who work more should be free to earn more. No capping, no limit.

Gbam, that is my point sir. Some people work so hard to earn whatever they are getting, they should be allowed to earn as much as they can. It's not their fault that others are not getting same results

The amusing thing is that, even if a limit is set, there are people who would still have to toil so hard to get to that set-financial limit. There are also people who would never get there. While I don't see this as something that would work, it just doesn't come across as fair

Hehehe, that the truth honey, that thing can't just be achieved..