The Role Of Parents And Platform Owners Role In Censorship

in #hive-15385023 days ago

The Role Of Parents And Platform Owners Role In Censorship

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Gone are the days when people needed to buy newspapers, books, and other materials to get information. Nowadays, it is very cheap to access information through the aid of our cell phones and personal computers.

Right there in the comfort of our homes and any location, we can access any kind of information we desire provided we have a good internet connection. This is a very great achievement for mankind, technology is really making things easy and affordable for us.

Our world today is full of knowledge because of this development. There is literally no information we can't get online. All one has to do is go to Google, or any platform and ask questions.

Back then, people were chasing information but nowadays information is looking for people. Just by scrolling through social platforms, you will see a lot of things popping up, even things that you didn't ask for.

This is also good except that we all know that people think differently, not everyone posts relevant information. Some people are full of negativity and dirty thoughts, and since no one will sanction them if they post what's in their mind, they do it shamelessly without considering the effect on others.

Social platform is a free space, both children and adults can access it any day, anytime. I have seen a rule forbidding people below the age of 18 to have certain social accounts but not all platforms have that restriction and even with the rules, teenagers can still lie about their ages and still get registered.

Children can't be prevented from these platforms no matter how much we try. Except they would be denied access to phones and computers.

This then makes them vulnerable to getting information they ought not to receive at their ages.

How to prevent them from getting that informations or to ensure that the information they are receiving is a health one is not something easy. Once a child has access to something bad and he or she is in love with it, then there's a serious problem because they will crave to see it again and again.

Monitoring the kind of information children consume is good but it won't solve the problem hundred percent because as a parent, you won't always get the opportunity to see what your child is exploring. Good upbringing is also good but a point will reach where you will no longer be able to force them to pick your choice.

The worst you can do is turn them into pretenders, acting good in your presence and becoming beats in your absence. Nevertheless, I am not against parents monitoring their children's activities online, just that it may get to the point where the child won't be comfortable with it and we all know the effect.

Left to me, to resolve issues of having quality, educative, and excellent content that can be consumed both by children and adults rests on the owners of the platforms.

Rules should be set on the kind of content that should be posted. Any content that violates such rules should be muted or blocked.

If it continues this way, I am certain that we would have good content out there that we won't be scared for our children to see because we are sure that it will build them instead.

Thanks For Reading


Parents should monitor what their kids are doing online. Social platforms are not interested what our young generation is doing, they need just users. Yeah, I agreed that most of the kids pretend to be over 18 but they are manipulating this to avail access for the adults sites.

Yeah, parents monitoring their children's activities will also go a long way to help. Some children are good in listening to their parents that will make them stick to instructions

On point @aslamrer Platform owners due not care. Its in our hands to control what our children watches whether we are busy or not.

It's so pathetic honestly.. well, we are humans most times we all care about the gains more than the impact

So sad that money 💰 will continue to rule the world 🌎.

But what concerns us should be important to us.

Thanks for your time @emreal. Blessings 😇.

Every platform has a set out goal they want to achieve. Their most objective and priority is large audience. Its left for we the consumers to know what to consume, especially when it concerns children, teens and teenagers.

Hmm, that is right. No platform will jeopardize it's profit for the sake of anything, not even our children

Hmm you gave another angle to the topic, finding the fault in the owners of the platforms that posts these things... I agree with you from that angle but I doubt that's even possible now.

Parents can't do it alone but they can try their best and hopefully, kids will make the wise choice to know what to see and what not to.

Hmm, I agree with you ma, it's better to bring up the child well and the child turn out to be something else than to not try at all.

Sometimes one might be luxky even that the children would completely adhere to the good instructions that they were coached with

Most social media platforms owners are only interested in increasing their user base which consists of both adult and children. I'm aware of some restrictions placed on those below 18 but it is not effective enough. I believe parents still have the biggest role to play in this, educate children about unethical content and hope they listen.

That very true, the social media owners are only concerned about promoting their platforms. Although they have the power to prevent certain contents from going life they wouldnt for that reason.

I agree with you, parents also have a big role to play in this matter