here's a few shots of a grill in Budapest. the line-up of all the X's looks nice
on the cement wall but it's a bit perplexing where they all come from.
with a closer look i concluded that they must be from the 3 wires that are woven around the vertical ones. i wasn't quite convinced that was correct
this is my contest entry shot
then i thought perhaps there were two sources of light and each vertical rod was casting two shadows that crossed the others, with the left leaning shadow thicker than the right leaning one.
that would have made sense if it was dark with lamps placed nearby but the sun was brightly shining and no other normal light source could compete with it. and if they were from the vertical rods the shadows would have extended beyond the line of X's. they cast fainter shadows on the vertical wall but none at all on the horizontal top of the wall. or maybe what i think is the top of a wall is actually a thick flat cement slab but no, we are looking down, there are cars parked below so what is vertical in the photos is actually horizontal and the cement is a railing and the grills are to prevent things or people from falling, jumping or being thrown.
i really can't say what is going on here with the mystery XX's but have decided they may be from something above me and outside of the photo. i took these shots last September in Budapest and we are clearly high up in a building, most likely the Budapest Cultural Center. and now i wish i had taken a wider shot so i could make better sense of what we are looking at.
anyway i like the shadows and i hope you do too