Memoir Monday #32 (10/14-10/20) - How has your worldview evolved over time?

in #memoirmonday10 days ago



/ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Usually memoirs. an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography. the published record of the proceedings of a group or organization, as of a learned society.

It's week 32 of Memoir Monday, just twenty more prompts remaining! This is a deep one and the act of thinking about it made my path forward a lot more clearly defined. Can we fix our broken world? I remain optimistic that we can. We owe it to the future generations to give it our best shot.

Memoir Monday has grown so much that I won’t be able to comment on everyone’s posts anymore (and get my own work done) but I’ll still be supporting your posts with reblogs, votes, and shares on my other social media accounts (X, Facebook, etc.).

For all of those who’ve regularly participated in Memoir Monday - keep going, you’re making great progress in chronicling your very own life story for future generations to enjoy.

For those who missed the inaugural post explaining what the Memoir Monday initiative is all about you can find it here.

Now for next week’s Memoir Monday prompt:

How has your worldview evolved over time?

My answer:

The year 2016 marked a pivotal period for me, a time of deep introspection and transformation. Midway through my third decade, I found my worldview shifting. I began to see that life is not just black and white, but a complex spectrum of gray.


My awakening can be traced back to the Housing Crisis of 2008 in America, a moment that shattered many illusions. At thirty-seven, I was drawn to the Occupy Wall Street movement, which opened my eyes to the realities of systemic inequality. Up until then, I had naively assumed that the government always acted in the best interests of its citizens.

However, that period taught me a harsh lesson: elected officials were primarily looking out for themselves and the powerful corporations and banks that funded their campaigns. The interests of the common citizen seemed to be a secondary concern. This realization marked the beginning of a journey that spanned the next decade, where I began to see the pervasive influence of a small, powerful group who shape the world in their favor, often by dividing people into manageable factions.

I saw how societies are manipulated to fear and distrust one another—whether by nationality, race, religion, or socioeconomic class. Rather than focusing on what unites us, we are encouraged to dwell on what separates us. This division fuels a system that thrives on conflict, with endless wars, soaring corporate profits, and the relentless extraction of the world’s resources. The media plays a crucial role, perpetuating narratives that serve the interests of the elite, ensuring that the masses remain divided and distracted. As long as we are stuck in this two-party political system, I see little hope for substantial change.

Over time, I have come to realize that the more I observe, the fewer answers I seem to have. Like many others, I thought I had things figured out when I was younger. Yet, one thing has become increasingly clear to me: despite the differences that are constantly emphasized, the average person—regardless of where they are from—is not inherently evil, greedy, or hateful. These traits are learned. I also see a growing disconnect between most governments and the people they are meant to serve, a gap that seems to widen each year.

So, how do we fix our broken, dysfunctional global society?

At fifty-three, my best suggestion is for each of us to turn inward and focus on self-improvement. We all carry deep, generational trauma, and many of our behaviors are shaped by past wounds. Healing ourselves should be a priority. If more people committed to personal growth and healing, I believe it could lead to a profound shift in our global society. This shift might even starve the current system of its fuel, causing it to falter and, eventually, stop functioning.

The challenge is that those in power are well aware of this possibility. They will continue to create distractions to prevent us from turning our attention inward. They profit immensely from humanity’s dysfunction, sickness, and inability to think critically. For them, peace, harmony, and well-being are threats to their control.

Given the times we live in, the best we can do is focus on creating our own happiness—our own individual versions of Eden. By living as examples of inner peace and fulfillment, we can inspire others to do the same. Some might call this view cynical, but there is great value in seeing things as they truly are. We can choose to live in comfortable illusions, or we can face reality, which, while challenging, is ultimately more rewarding.

The choice is ours: to remain asleep or to awaken. As humans, we sometimes build a happy life and thrive because of the time we live in and sometimes we achieve a fulfilling life in spite of it. In the end, it comes down to a decision between the red pill or the blue one.

Rules of Engagement

  1. Please reblog this first post and share on other social platforms so we cast the widest net possible for this initiative;
  2. Pictures paint a thousand words. Include pictures in your posts if you have them;
  3. Answer each Memoir Monday prompt question in your own post. If possible, the prompt question will be published in the week prior so you'll have the entire week to answer and publish your own post;
  4. Have fun with it, don't worry about getting behind, or jumping into the project at any point after we've begun; and
  5. Lastly, be sure to include the tag #memoirmonday.

It's that simple.

At the end of the next twelve months we'll have created something immensely valuable together. It's so important to know our "whys" in life and there's no better way to do that than this.

Someday all that will be left of our existence are memories of us, our deeds, and words. It's up to you to leave as rich of a heritage as possible for future generations to learn from. So, go ahead, tell your stories. I can't wait to read them.

Be well and make the most of this day. I want to sincerely thank all of the participants thus far. I've really enjoyed reading your posts!

~Eric Vance Walton~

(All photos are original.)

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Yes..., you are right that as we get older we should focus on finding our own happiness. Enjoy life as you often do , like traveling. Have a nice day, Eric.

Thanks Eliana! I hope you have a wonderful week.

Hive and Discord have definitely been a boon for me in terms of putting me in touch with people from all over the world and realizing just how different some peoples lives are from mine.

I agree with you. I think we should focus on being better every day, be kinder and learn to put ourselves in the other person's shoes. The world needs a good dose of generosity and that is not something that can be asked of governments. That generosity can be given by each one of us. I have no doubt that if we are better, something will begin to change in the small space where we have influence. Thank you for the initiative, dear @ericvancewalton . A big hug.

Translated with (free version)

Good evening my brother and peace be upon you. What an interesting display my friend showed.


Hello friends, who gathered around Memoir Monday. Here is my entry, just click on the title and it will take you to it. Blessings everyone.

I think there is a year, an age, in which we must change, evolve. Many times the blindfold falls off and what we see is not the best, but more than crying about the situation, feeling betrayed or cheated, the idea is to change or try to change what we see, and that requires a change in us. My change also happened around that time, more or less, but I think that of many Venezuelans. I agree when you say that everything depends on us: situations do not change, the attitude we have towards them changes. We choose peace, tranquility, also happiness. This question will be very inspiring for many. Hugs and take care, Eric

I very much agree. That particular moment in time was a great awakening for a lot of people across the world. I think all these years later we find ourselves in an existential point in our history where our perspective and attitude matter more than ever. I hope this prompt inspires people to think a little more deeply about that. Thank you my friend! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

This topic is quite interesting and I would like to tell a lot of specific things about it, so I will definitely make my post on it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It is true that tension and anxiety are part of life and when stress is high, we all should find small joys in the same way so that our hearts are happy and we can live a peaceful life.

Amen. "Healing ourselves should be priority." Start functioning! (See my other comments for more.)

!invest_vote (with great joy)

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