This is my 26th week of the Saturday Savers Club. I am showing my weekly progress each Friday through such posts.
My original goal is : 5000 HP and 100 HBD. And my current numbers are : 2 HBD and 4060 HP.
Layer 2 hive progress. Nothing bought as of now. Instead just invested into the layer 1 and then planning on diversifying the assets as of now. Some of the tokens and the layer 2 progress this week was not possible. So I am just planning on playing safe for now and get the funds moving once everything starts rocks in the movement there.
So take a look at the below image of the current tokens.
I have placed one order today on the L2 but let's hope that we get things properly sorted out and things move in the right direction with the layer 2 tokens.
I have not added anything new as of now. I am planning to but not as of now. More needs to be added some of them needs to be planned properly there. Like say DUO if added 100 or so tokens I would get better curation. Plan is 500 but now as of now.
I have placed an order for the 3 DAB and that would push me towards the 27 and that payout would slow and steady increase. I have to keep buying the dab and then maybe consider adding the BRO and the EDS too.
Nothing new with the BRO tokens. And the delegation is somethng to be added there. I hope that if the BRO token growth is handled it would be seriously good direction I could think of now.
The token with the drip feed is the DRIP and the EDS tokens are getting me small vote. And that would mean everything is balanced as of now. Like if things improved here I would get better HIVE added into the account. But let's just keep things planned and executed there.
As of now I have reached around 172 HSBI units and more counting each week. Like 2 HSBI are confirmed. So that sort of the growth I am planning and keep on increasing in the grand scheme of things. I think more units the more growth is going to happen there but yeah slow and steady growth.
Hive Power
As of now the Hive power is set to the 6000 HP goal personally but for the saturdaysaever I have made the goal of 5000. I have 1000 to reach like 940 to be precise at this point. But that would not happen overnight. And it has to grow one HP at a time too. So it's getting difficult.
Crypto Portfollio
I have Polkadot, BCH and few other random tokens are there. I have been thinking of keeeping the ETH too. But overall there does not seem like growth for me. I have to keep on selling and that is one of the way things would get regular in finance for me.
That's it for this week, more updates next week. Don't forget to check my HSBI contest every Thursday!