Hello everyone, how are you feeling today?
The prompt for today is quite direct and although it should be literal, it is still open to different views from people. The meaning varies based on direction.
I saw this definition online:
Aspect means a part or feature of something. If you are going to vote for a candidate, you should first learn about the various aspects of her political agenda. At the heart of the word aspect is the Latin specere "look" (think spectacles). Link
This definition makes it clear that an aspect is a part of a whole, when you look at a specific part of something. It's like in statistics, bringing out a sample from the population.
Funny enough, there is another definition of the aspect. I will paste that below too:
An aspect of something is basically the direction from which it's looked at. So we may say that travel is your favorite aspect of your job, or that eating well is one aspect of a healthy life. Link
This looks like the definitions are the same but the second looks at the point of view of a person. Someone else cannot predict this except they were told what the person is thinking.
So, I will conclude by defining aspect as the different views a person has concerning things.
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