The Outsider

in #hive-1707982 months ago

"Do you think I will ever accept you as my child? I will never accept you as long as there is air in my lungs. You are nothing but a bastard child. Leave my room and don't ever enter my room." Maggie, the legitimate wedded wife, screamed at Kunle.

Kunle, who was just 10 years old, wondered why he had gone to the woman whom he knew to be his mother to read him a story book. His brother doesn't get treated this way. "What have I done to my mother for her to hate me so much?" Kunle thought to himself as he made his way to his room with hot tears streaming down his cheek.

In the metropolis of Lagos, Kulle lived with his father and his family, burdened by a truth that had shaped his entire existence. Born as the illegitimate child of a prominent family, his mere presence was a constant reminder of his father's indiscretion, a burden that the main wife could never forgive.

As the rain played a restless drum on the roof of their mansion that evening, Maggie stood close to the window of her room as she watched her husband get down from the car and make his way into the mansion. "It was raining like this that day," she said to herself. She began to reminisce about the day Kunle came to their home. It was raining that night, and Maggie was excited to tell Emjay of her pregnancy. As Emjay made his way into the living room, Maggie walked towards him and gave him a hug with a deep, passionate kiss.

"Baby, I am pregnant!" She screamed at the top of her voice, but to her surprise, Emjay wasn't looking so happy. "Whao, that's good news," Emjay said as he made his way to the couch in the living room. "Maggie, come sit beside me. I have something I want to tell you. Maggie looks so worried because her husband has never spoken to her in that manner. She said down. Emjay took her hand and said to her, "My love, what you have said to me this night is the best news I have heard today, but I have sad news too." Maggie sat upright and was seriously looking at her husband's face. "Duke, come in!" Emjay shouted. Duke, who is Emjay's driver, is walking with a child in his hands. "My love, this is one of my mistakes. I am so sorry, and I seek your forgiveness. This child is mine, and you don't have to worry about the mother. I want you to raise him like yours."

The crack in the door brought Maggie back to reality. Emjay made his way into the room. Maggie walked towards him and then gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Where are Kunle and Daniel?" Emjay asked. "Kunle is in his room, and Daniel is on the bed sleeping," she said, facing another direction because she was avoiding her husband's reaction. "I have told you to let Daniel and Kunle sleep in the same room."

"I will never let my son sleep in the same room with a bastard; what if he kills my child?"

Emjay did not say anything else; he just made his way out of the room to eat.

Kunle's life was a relentless struggle for acceptance, a battle against the unforgiving walls of societal norms and familial prejudices. From the moment he was born, he had been denied the warmth of a mother's embrace, torn away from her arms at birth, and thrust into a world that viewed him as an unwelcome stain on the family's renowned reputation.

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Despite the challenges, Kunle's father was his beacon of hope. Every year, his father instilled in him the values of perseverance and unwavering determination, nurturing the dream of one day being accepted by the family that scorned him.

"You are my son, no matter what anyone says. You are blood; don't let anyone look down on you. Emjay will always tell his son Kunle because he knows Kunle's dream is to get accepted by the family.

On Kunle's seventeenth birthday, the day he was stepping into adulthood, he wanted to tell his father about all his plans, but fate had another plan for him. His father fell ill. He was kept inside the master bedroom, and Kunle only got to see him once a week.

As Kunle walked into the room again, he saw his father in pain. Emjay was looking so skinny, without much life in him. "Father, how are you doing? Please come back to me. I really need you," Kunle cried as he sat at the side of his father's sick bed. "Ku Kunle, my son," Emjay said as he tried to say something with his weak voice. He continued with a shaky voice, "Nnnn No mat m m matter what an an anyone says, YOU ARE STILL MY SON." And that was Emjay last word, Kunle ran to call the family doctor who later confirmed that Emjay had passed away.

After the family patriarch's burial, the vultures descended, their claws sharpened by greed and contempt. Without his father's protection, Kunle was cast out and banished from the only home he had ever known. The door that had been slightly ajar, offering a glimmer of hope, slammed shut with finality. Kunle was left to wander the streets, a lost soul in a world that had never truly welcomed him.

He was cast out without knowing the truth of his birth, with no family or friends on the other side of the world without his family's protection. He thought to himself, "Am I a fool for dreaming of becoming part of the main family?" He walked down the street, crying bitterly. He remembered his father's love and the words, "No matter what anyone says, you are my son."

At that moment, Kunle made a silent vow—a promise to himself that he would rise above the circumstances that had been thrust upon him. He would forge his destiny, carving out a life that defied the prejudices and injustices that had plagued his existence.

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Even if the child is not your biological child, he still deserves love and care.

Sowing seeds of hatred in such a young boy can end up ruining him in future if care is not taken.

very true. Most people see children that aren't theirs as a threat or competition for their own children.

Little love would have turned the whole story around

Yeah that's true.


That was really a sad fate for a child who was born on the wrong side of the bed. I couldn't blame Maggie for her contempt for her husband, but at least she should have spared Kunle from it. The child had not wronged her, so it was not really right to treat him that way.

The fact is many people face same issue
But only few speak up

Maggie would have tried to understand Kunle more but she sent him out
Sad for him too
Thanks for your comment

You're welcome @fashtioluwa.

I was praying subconsciously that nothing happens to Emjay because If anything does, Kunle would become an outcast. Maggie should have understood that it could be anyone in Kunle's shoes.

Very true.
I just felt like some tragedy in the story might spice it up a little.
Anyways, I’m also wishing Kunle the best even if I’m his creator 🙃🥹

There are people who are born with the black star, the boy had to face a life full of sadness, tragedies and lack of love from a family, despite everything he was able to recover and move forward with the memory of his beloved father.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Good day.

Thanks for reading my story

Wow. I feel for Kunle. He had to go through a lot but I love Emjay who stood by him till his last breath. I wonder what would happen to Kunle, though he made a determining promise to himself which I believe he would scale through and become the best 👌
What a beautiful and crafted story 😍 ❤️

Thanks for reading
Kunle story continues in our heart

Hahaha 😀

If only Maggie had shown him love, Kunle wouldn't have been kicked out immediately after his father died. This is the reality in many families and even though the husband made a terrible mistake, the innocent boy shouldn't be the one paying the price

Very true
The truth is that Maggie can’t punish her husband for the mistake he made because of his position in the family
So the only one she could punish was Kunle.