ARISS SSTV, Potting, PDC, Geology, Birds, Rabbit, Trailer, Fence, Fire, Auroraless - Thursday

in #hive-11430810 days ago

Yesterday morning I tried to get one of the slow scan tv images being emitted from the ISS but my disc cone antenna can't aim and get a clear signal so I only got part of it. You can tell it is an image though. Some asshat in Europe is yaking away on the 145.8 channel so I can't catch it with the websdr.


In closing up gardens I found that I had a couple volunteer dill plants along wit ha couple bunching onions. So I grabbed a couple pots for each and got them dug out.


PDC is continuing and nearing the end of the grand prix. Some more close matches as it nears the finals.


I went for a hike up the hill and stopped to check out the elderberries that are ripe. I think I might have figured out the geology of the hill. The strata that the elderberries and the thinmbleberries are on is consistent across the hill. They require more water.


So just above that strata sits this hunk of basalt. My conjecture is that between one of the great lake Missoula floods there was a lava flow in the region which created a rock layer that allows for larger paths for water to move. The inland northwest has seen numerous lava flows over the millennia and I need to do more research into the timing of the various events to see if I might be right.


I made a loop of the upper pen and found that the turkeys and chickens had found their way up and had scratched around ALL the pine needles. It made me realize that I will have to gather as much as I can to haul down to cover the garlic garden this winter.


Abada Abada Abada Abada EAT LEAD WABBIT!

I had gone out to sweep the trailer off to put the liner on it and as I got near I saw the rabbit sitting at the corner of my hangar. I backed up and ran in the house to get the .22 pistol with shot shells loaded. I headed back out and I got within 20 feet and it didn't move so I got a shot at it which some pellets hit it and it ran into the hangar. I stepped into the hangar and crouched down at the wingtips of my plane wings, spread them apart to which the rabbit didn't bolt but it gave me enough space, and I got it with the next shot.

I watched this thing squeeze through small chicken wire and had scared it out of my garden. NO WAY could I let this thing stay on the farm.


The boys got home shortly after then I headed out to get the trailer hooked up for the grain run I have done this morning.


A shithole deer got in over the only short fence left around the yard and munched the peas tops. Everything else was covered with row cover so it only got them and grapes. I carried the roll of fence from by the coop and will work on swapping it out today.


With the wood splitting we have a lot of bark and with the stump I am removing there is a ton of garbage wood to burn. I got the fire going and tossed a bunch of stuff on it for the evening.


They had split some wood but hadn't started the stacking yet so I chucked the split over the rounds and got the rows started. This gives them something to work off as they split.


In the stump wood I found some nails that were 20 years deep and no idea how many more years were outside of it but they were likely from the 70s or 80s.


Another auroaless night for us. Something about our valley, maybe it's the highway and lights... We just don't get a good view of them like everyone else around us.


The Seahawks got embarrassed again and it looks like the nice start to the season is falling of the cliff and about to impact the ground.


It's only taken over a month to finally get the 9 tooth sprocket I have been after. I will install it today and see if it really does give my scooter better climbing ability.


Out to soak but I was out after less than an hour to use the massager on my sore back.


I have been to town for grain this morning already and will go empty it in a bit. PDC is going, the boys are off school and I will take them to town for lunch with @stryeyz, I have the fence to swap, plants in the greenhouse to remove, and the garlic garden has to get final prep for planting.


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The sprocket looks like a basic sintered metal construction. Any chance a Spokane supplier like Brown Bearing might have what you need, and maybe even properly hobbed?

I was looking online but didn't call anyone. It's on now and seems sufficient for the scooter, I just have to make a better tensioner now.