Chiro, Harvests, Tying n Trimming, Digging Potatoes, Horn Horn, Mud, Candles - Monday

in #hive-1143082 months ago

After all the potato digging the chiro was very welcomed yesterday morning. I am having some issues around the c6/c7 region which is radiating pain down my left shoulder and arm to my left elbow. It is the classic example of the problem and just takes me rolling a bit more.


Back on the farm I headed out to the garden where I had a smaller load of summer squash ready.


Then 3 cucumbers were ready in the greenhouse.


It was REALLY nice that we had cloud cover for much of the morning and it even rained a tiny bit, but the humidity was awful and I had the a/c on in the house from 8am on. It was still a bit cloudy as I trimmed and tied the cucumbers and tomatoes to their lines.


The staggered timing on the cucumbers is really nice so that I don't have too many all at once. The second half of the plants are growing fast and should be starting to put of flowers in the next week or so.


The clouds had moved off and I decided to try and get some potatoes dug in the pole garden. First was to pull all the plants from the 2 east end rows. I got about half the basket full from the plants then pulled the plastic aside to start digging.


I only dug about 5 feet of the one row before I had the basket full and I was soaked in sweat.


Still a lot of dirt to turn and spuds to sort.


I washed them on the deck then laid them out to dry. It didn't take too long and mid afternoon I had them all sorted and in the boxes in the house. 19.75 pounds of the yellows.


Later in the afternoon Art stopped by for a while after he had an appointment in town. We were talking about his new Viking War Horn and it made me suddenly remember that I have a pair of cow horns. With no plan for them I found the one in the tool shed and got to cutting it open.


It makes noise but I sound like a dying whale right now and need to figure out the right form. I drilled out the mouth piece to open it up and deepen the tone a bit. I will have to sand the outside of it down a good bit but it should turn out pretty cool.


R had left the water running on the hose for FAR too long which had created a pool beneath their swings. A RARE case of standing water on the farm. He ended up sitting in the pool of mud and had to strip on the deck and seriously wash off.


We got the new citronella lamps and I got them installed around the hot tub right away. They look much nicer and are built WAY better. These should last us a hell of a lot longer than the other ones.


Got out to soak at normal time but I could only hang for half an hour as the water was 100F and way too damned hot for me.


Today I have a dentist appointment for a cleaning, it's way cooler so I can hopefully get the branches all piled, more potatoes dug, other harvests done, I should go up to the upper garden and dig the red potatoes from the 40 spots, and try to figure out what to plant in the now empty rows.


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Manually curated by from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Sorry to hear about your ailment. Hope you remedy through the chiro sessions. Very cool what you did with bull horns. I'm sure it will be looking pretty cool when you finish it 😊

This is such a beautiful harvest. The Irish potatoes came out really nice and healthy. I hope your dental appointment goes well. It's truly a busy summer for you. But you're most definitely handling it like a champ.🌺

You harvested a lot of potatoes
I love that!

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