First Day School, Harvests, Shed Wall Excavation Lifting and Supporting, Stump Removal, Soreness - Wednesday

in #hive-11430818 days ago

The day finally arrived when the boys went back to school after summer break. The new school for J is making for uninterrupted afternoons now that they can ride the bus home since we take them to school in the mornings.


With my days back to normal programming I got my post done then headed out to pick. I was a bit surprised to see a mild amount ready so got the few squash and cucumbers and put them in the cooler. It should be a bigger harvest today.


My day was spent working on the gear shed. The ground level was rather high on the wall outside and I began by raking back tons of debris and raking it through the gate and over the edge of the hill.


THEN began the real work of moving dirt.


I started by just getting the base of the wall cleared on the outside to give me room to dig more.


I managed to get enough dirt moved that I was able to try lifting the building as the entire side was low.


The problem was that the studs pulled from the header if I lifted the header alone.


So inside I had to keep digging out dirt to the wheelbarrow which I dumped over the edge each time I filled it.


That allowed me space to bring in my floor jack so I could lift the stud and header as one.


I had a 10ft long 4x4 that is super twisted and not useful for much else so I cut it to size for the wall support.


I used 2 scrap 4x4 pieces as new bases to the studs, set on the brick and screwed to the stud well. I lifted the wall to install the left one so it is a bit taller to raise the middle up to level.


Holy shit.... SOOOO MUCH DIGGING!!!! I have been trying to remember how and why so much crap was against the wall but can't seem to come up with anything other than neglect. Well, also the trees grew up which helped lump some of the dirt and debris.


Load after load of dirt got dumped over the edge and I slowly exposed the stump base.


The inside of the shed has a ton of dirt that will get moved out as well but I will have to move everything out for that. Right now the wall is the most important part.


@stryeyz came home from work early and we walked out to the bus stop to meet the boys after their first day of school and the bus ride home. They had a blast and are super exited to be back with their friends.


It was a pain in the ass after the day of shoveling but I hauled my big chain over to the stump and got it hooked up.


Then I used a double looped length of wire and 2 come-alongs then to drag the stump out of the ground.


It went quite easily as the roots were pretty brittle.


I shoveled more dirt then raked it out nicely. I have a shit ton more dirt to move and will be removing the siding and putting up other wood that came off the studio when I did the roof.


My evening was spent lazing around in pain from the day of work before hitting the shower and was out not long before they got home from town. Soaking was super nice but only helped my back so much.


Kinda bullshit the boys go to school for 2 days then get a 4 day weekend.... But whatever. Will get them to school this morning, then I have to get the harvests done right away so that mid day I am going to meet Chris at the LZ so we can go hike and fly Quartzite mountain right above Chewelah, and be the first of the club to do so.


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Its a tough task but you did this and the outcome is very good and satisfactory.