Harvests, Magneting, Fan, SO MUCH SHOVELING, Wasps, Barn Spiders, Shed Lift, Amaranth - Thursday

in #hive-11430813 days ago

Quite sore after yesterday. I got the harvesting done first thing after getting the boys to school and ended up with a nice load of tomatoes.


The shed was the primary task for the day and before I got to digging out the soil I found my magnet and drug it all around the dirt inside. I got a cat food can full of bit of nails and random metal pieces but no fish hooks like I thought I might find.


It was hot already and the fan was mandatory if I wanted to shovel dirt with how ultra dry it is.


I began shoveling in the corner to see how deep I needed to go to find the footer.


The wheelbarrow set right next to the fan which did an okay job of sucking the dust out.


5 wheelbarrow loads later I was able to fit the jack under the wall and lift the whole building up 6 inches by the time it was past level. I was hot and needed a break.


I went for a wander up the hill to the sheep pen and as I walked the fence line trail I came upon this pile of wasp nest paper. I scoured around for a while until I finally saw the massive nest.


About 50 feet in the air on the end of a branch sat the exposed faces of the nest. I couldn't see anything flying around it so I hope it is trashed.


Quite the huge amount of work they do to make the nests.


Back down at the house I was looking around the outside and managed to find 4 very big barn spiders in various places.


They each have a wall and have quite big webs made, each is a pretty chonky arachnid so the ladies must be eating well.


The big girl under the carport even has a little male hanging around in hopes...


My back and hips take the brunt of the effort but thankfully the dirt dump is 20 feet from the shed.


I have a lot of dirt dug out but still need a lot more removed before I can get to the actual leveling of the shed. The rear wall footer is still largely there though seeming rotten in places. The worst of the rot is all towards the wall I just rebuilt.


The boys got home from school and I saw UPS deliver so I grabbed a massive handful of amaranth tops and pulled them apart to toss around the farm as I walked to the package box. As hard core as the stuff exploded in and around the garden this year I hope to make it naturalized and a self seeding annual.


The soaking felt really nice after the intense massage I had to do to my hips. I have to actually foam roll today.


Boys to school in a bit then will get harvests done so I can get to the shed earlier while it is cooler. Some parts for the scooter will arrive but the motor will be tomorrow, PDC is on, need to cut on bushes more, work on cleanup around the farm, attempt to stay cool in the heat, hook trailer up for the Saturday morning grain run, then figure out dinner.


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What’s the name of the flower in the second to the last picture?

Amaranth. It's young leaves and seeds are edible and very nutritious.