Heater, PDC, Attempted Rest, Treadmill Move, Fir Pitch Collecting - Monday

in #hive-11430813 days ago

I got the fireplace parts ordered first thing yesterday morning. We need a new combustor for it, no telling how old the one in it is, and some of the fire brick is broken. The parts will be here tomorrow so I can get the fireplace fixed up and ready to burn this Winter.

I went to haul the stools down to the studio and when I opened the door I realized I hadn't turned on the heater for the Winter yet. I got the gas line turned on then went in and sat in front of the heater and pushed the pilot button to wait for the gas to refill the line.

IT TOOK FOREVVVVER!!!! Seriously 20 minutes of holding the damn button to get the pilot light to stay lit. I couldn't do it all in one go so had to get up and shift positions numerous times. I checked the meter and the gas was flowing, just a 1" line takes a lot of volume and the dumb things are only 1psi.

The plants will be much more comfortable in there now with the base heat.


It's PDC week and some good matches went on during the day. Barney got whooped by Pikachu and Littler got bounced first round. I caught parts of all the other matches during the day as I couldn't stay still and rest, I had to be doing something.


I'd talked about it for months now so despite my pain levels I wanted to get it done. The treadmill was taking up too much space in the craft studio and needed to be moved to studio A. I moved it out onto the deck then went to get my truck.


I was able to get it slid into the bed with little trouble. It rode nicely all the way across the farm with no tie down.


Soon I had it unloaded into the studio and moved in next to the rowing machine.


The stump removal project gave me so much pitch covered wood now and the pitch is so thick.... Truly thick pitch with some nearly 1/2" thick sections. At first I tried a putty knife but it was not strong enough. Then I tried the knife which worked better.


I have a quart tub filled with the pitch so far an am going to get as much as I can saved. There are NUMEROUS uses for it and I have tons to save for use. I just thought of the better tool for shaving the pitch that I have from landscaping work, one of the tiling scraper blades...


We watched all the Sunday night animes while we ate dinner then headed out to soak much earlier. The early dark makes going out to soak earlier a lot easier.


Today I get the boys to school, PDC is on mid day, freeze dryer is done and will get defrosted so the next batch can go in, lots of garden work still, Fall cleanup around house, check garlic garden soil and prep for planting the 9 varieties I have now, and I need to sharpen the saw chains.


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