Predawn Grain Run, Cover Garlic Garden, Harvests, Rain, Beans, Spiders, Fence and Lights, Schools - Tuesday

in #hive-11430819 days ago

I slept restlessly knowing I had to get up for grain yesterday morning. I managed to get on the road by about 5:15am and saw this twilight to the east over Mt Spokane.


The city is a disgusting shit show of road work everywhere which is why the uber early time to go. I had 5 full barrels waiting for me when I parked at the brewery.


The sunrise was quite amazing looking as I loaded the grain into the trailer.


The 5 barrels just fit thanks t fluffing up a lot but as soon as I start driving it all settles down into the bed liner.


As I headed up the bypass for home this is the line of clouds that greeted me. There was some nice bands of showers moving northeast across the state but it missed us on the first pass.


Back on the farm by 6:15am I was in before the birds let out so I was able to back the trailer up next to the garden and lose it in to protect it from the vultures. I went inside to get my post written and see @stryeyz off to work.


A couple hours later I was out shoveling grain. I filled the wheelbarrow to overflowing then wheeled it through the upper garden so I could spread it out over the garlic area.


There is a technique to getting the grain to spread out when thrown that I have refined over the years so I get the grain to cover pretty consistently.


After about half an hour I had the entire area coated with the second layer. It will get tilled in in a week or so to let it dry out a bit.


I backed the trailer into the sheep pen to empty the rest o the grain and my ram saddled up right behind the trailer where I needed to shovel the grain. I just kept shoveling it on top of his head and he just stood there devouring.


The birds were all distracted by the single shovel full I threw by the coop so it took them a while to find the big pile in the pen.


Out for the morning harvest there was a single squash so I went to the greenhouse. I will forever grown Walla Walla onions in the greenhouse, they are actually getting big in only one season of growth. I don't have a ton but a serious proof of concept with about a dozen.


Some cucumbers then a basket of tomatoes went to the house.


That's when the rain hit finally. It wasn't a lot but it wet everything nicely and helped keep the temps cool all day long.


I got to test my new roofing job a little bit.


Only about .02" from it all.


I had to let the rain evaporate some before going out to pick the beans as they were in serious need. I was a bit surprised to fill the tub in less than half the row. 10.5 pounds.


Then I couldn't finish the rows as I got a 11 pound tub load.


Finally finished the rows for a total of 25 pounds of beans.


I was up by the garden shed and was surprised to see one of my barn spiders out in the middle of its web in the middle of the day. She was only there for a moment then was back in her hiding spot.


My afternoon was spent removing fences and restringing the yard lights. As I was pulling the fence I I found these spider web holes at the base. This spider was watching me from the entrance.


A foot away is another nice web tunnel but I didn't see a spider in it.


They are at the base of the center fence post and I managed to not destroy the webs pulling the post or fences.


I had to remove bushes from by the gear shed to give me better access as I have a lot of cleanup to do along the wall. The yard lights got strung along the shed and continued along the fence where I ran an extension cord across to the garden shed.


I then shifted the light strings along the path fence and have them run to the garden shed now. In all this I will eventually be moving the chives to the rows next to the greenhouse so the yard can get tilled for eventual lawn install.


I was moving around my t-posts and as I piled them against the shed I saw this ootheca case from a praying mantis. It looks like it might be older but I hope it is fresher and will exude hundreds of mantis.


@stryeyz asked for a speaker by the Blackstone so I got the wire run and the speaker installed. It sounds way better now.


She got home early from work for the boys' school open houses and while we waited to leave I was at the board for a bit. After a few visits I started sinking some consistent throws. These were consecutive then 2 more then a solid 140.


We went to J's new school first and met his teacher, saw his classroom, and then went to the cafeteria for food. It's his second school in 2 years and is the 2nd of 3 in 3 years. Then we headed down to R's school close to the farm where he has the same teacher J had. We have a really good relationship with everyone there and the boys are both anxious for school.


Back home we only had a while before going out to soak and the boys are back onto school night bed times.


First day of school for the boys today and I get to drop them off at R's school then they will be riding the bus home now so my afternoons won't be broken and I will be able to do more. I have to get harvests done, actually fix the light string to the fence, clean around the gear shed, wash my clothes, get the HD order done, and work on the garden shed roof.


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