I had to say it to avoid a disaster, it was a good one.

in #hive-1538503 months ago
Some situations require you to save your head with a simple lie, sometimes it happens that way and we move✌️ I will never forget the day I told a good lie to save my husband from himself. It was a day like any other day, but the stakes were high. He was on the verge of making a disastrous investment, one that would have wiped out our savings and put our financial security at risk. I knew I had to act fast, but I was torn. Should I stand by and watch him make a mistake, or should I intervene, even if it meant resorting to a lie? That was my thought that fateful day.

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I was forced to protect him with my full chest, my desire to protect him won out because I didn't want the land agents to feel bad and also see me as their greatest enemy but I needed to save my husband. I blurted out a lie, that I had received a warning from a trusted friend about the investment being a scam. I knew it was a risky move, but I couldn't bear the thought of him losing everything we had worked so hard to build.

At first, I felt a mix of emotions - guilt, anxiety, and a hint of relief. I knew I had done it for a good reason, but the weight of the lie lingered. My conscience nagged me, urging me to come clean. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had crossed a line, even if it was to protect someone I loved.

How did you feel about the lie afterward?

I felt bad at first because our relationship was not built on deceit and how to come out straight began to haunt me till I did the needful.
My husband began to investigate the investment further due to his curiosity, he is a man who must see to the bottom of a matter before he can rest. He eventually realized that it was indeed a risky move and decided to pull out. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I had prevented a potential disaster. He was about to lose all if not for the good lie🤥

I finally overcame it

When the lie continued to gnaw at me, I knew I had to confess, no matter how difficult it might be. I chose a quiet evening at home when we were both relaxed and had some privacy. I took a deep breath and began to explain.


What was his reaction when I confessed?

At first, my husband did not take it funny because our relationship was not built on a lie, no matter the situation, we have to tell the truth always. He couldn't believe that I had lied to him, even if it was to protect him. But as I explained my reasons and my own struggles with the decision, he began to understand. He realized that I had acted out of love and a desire to protect him, not to manipulate or control him. As a result, our conversation brought us closer together. We both learned a valuable lesson about honesty and communication in our relationship. We realized that even in difficult moments, we could trust each other to do what was best for our family.

Looking back, I still believe that the lie was the right decision. It saved us from financial ruin and taught us a valuable lesson about communication and trust. Of course, I wouldn't recommend lying as a regular solution to problems, but at that moment, it was the best choice I could make.

Will I make the same decision once more?

If faced with the same situation again, I would make the same decision. The experience taught me that sometimes, tough choices are necessary to protect those we love. While honesty is essential, there are moments when a 'good lie' can be a necessary evil. And in the end, it's not the lie that defines us, but how we learn and grow from the experience matters a lot.

I will do it again!

Image 1 was designed with Canva
Image 2 sourced carefully.

Here is my participation in the #hivelearners writing contest on the topic; The good lie

  Thank you for your time!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Keep up the good work. 👏

Recognized by Mystic artist Gudasol

You are loved.

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The lie was a necessary one at that time according to your explanation. Anyone could understand and do same to save the situation.

It was indeed necessary at that point ☝️
Thank you babe🤗

I can understand how you feel because you lie just to save your husband according to what you said, if I were the one I would do the same thing just to protect my husband.

Thank you for agreeing with me ☝️

It's understandable that certain things needs to be done at crucial times like this, and your case was not an exception. Indeed, the lie was a faithful lie.

Yesi, it was a faithful one🤣
Thanks my able partner