Indiscipline & Distraction.

in #hive-15385014 days ago

Smartphones remain one of technology's finest inventions, and the world as a whole can't deny how much it has made life easier with communication, learning, and many other things we actually struggled with before now. The impact of this invention can't be quantified, and one way or the other, it has helped improve our lives individually.

I once shared a story about how my family spent a lot of money whenever we made or received calls from a family member abroad. The conversation used to be very brief, and yet we paid a lot in exchange for the service, but it's all different now thanks to the invention of smartphones. Communication has been made a lot easier, and people can reach out to anyone around the world, anytime, in the comfort of their homes.

Smartphones have experienced numerous upgrades, and there are so many amazing features packed into those devices, which include AI capabilities. This upgrade actually took smartphone functions to a different height, and despite how much it has helped, there are numerous setbacks attached, especially for students. I have gotten into this discussion a few times and will always say the same thing because that's my belief regarding the impact of smartphones on student lifestyle and learning ability in general.

I have a younger sibling in high school, and he is a typical case study for me since ChatGPT became a thing. Before now, he would spend roughly an hour tackling assignments, but at a point, he spent less than thirty minutes. His study time decreased as well, and after investigating, I realize he was becoming too dependent on AI for explanations, answers, and others.

I knew the danger attached and was forced to seize the phone from him during the week so that he could spend more time on schoolwork, but thinking about it again, I had to change my mind because I was limiting his knowledge to what was taught in class when he could actually learn more with the help of his smartphone. We reached an agreement on the use of his smartphone regarding studies, and he didn't have a choice but to play by my rules.

However, this is the case for many students as well around the world and I believe overdependence on smartphones by students will cause negative impact on education since there won't be a need for thorough studies and research anymore; students only need the internet and a smartphone.

If using smartphones at home can cause overdependence for students, allowing them to use them in school will be a great mistake, except there are restrictions to what their devices can do. I have seen and experienced what distraction can cause due to a lack of self-discipline with smartphones, and I repeat, it would be a terrible mistake to normalize the use of it in schools.

I remember when it was Java phone, a boy from a rich family in my school had a Nokia phone that was internet enabled. He always brought the phone to school, and the school authority didn't complain due to corruption.

These boys had so many games on the phone, and that paved the way for distraction not just for themselves but for half of the class. It got so bad that the teachers started complaining before the principal banned him from bringing the phone to school.

I practically believe that allowing smartphones in secondary schools will cause great disaster in the education sector. It's okay if students continue learning the traditional way, or the school can make it their responsibility to provide smart devices with restrictions.

As much as using smartphones will help students in broadening their knowledge, we must turn a blind eye to the negative impact for the sake of the students future.


I remember how we used to gather around one phone back then in secondary school, some even used to miss classes just because they planned to play games or watch movies with it.
Restrictions are really needed.

Honestly, who would ever believed that from the older means of communication we would one day get to be using button phones and soon after, we're now using smartphones with touch screens. Our great grandparents wouldn't believe it

Funny enough, it's already causing a lot of distractions in secondary schools, and the school management isn't doing anything about it. Unlike during our time, when the school was very strict, now most of them, mostly private schools, don't really care about this; they don't want to offend anyone that might lead to parents withdrawing their kids out of school. So they ignored most of these things.

That's private school at its best: they'd rather allow the students to rot out of fear of losing them than take proper actions that can sharpen their lives for the better.

Allowing smart phones in classes will always cause distraction, no matter the restrictions placed on it. Due to the numerous amount of side attractions on smartphone student will find a way to use one of those even with restrictions.