in #hive-17843716 days ago

Greetings everyone this is actually my first time getting to know this community and also participating, I got to know the community whole perusing @toryfestus wall, I just hope I'm welcomed🤦🤦

Now let me get to what brought me here 😊😊

When God created man in the book of Genesis Purpose was at the back of His mind. That is why after He created man in Genesis 1:26, He said so that he(that is man) will have dominion over the fishes in the water, Birds in the air, Animals on land(this reflects the three main habitat; Land, water and Air)

Our Creator is not a waster, He cannot waste His time to create or make something or someone that will not be productive, no He can't, so its our place to find out from Him what we were created for, you can't just come and occupy space just like matter without being useful or productive..

Purpose according to the dictionary is defined as the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
It is also an abiding intention toward a long-term goal that is both personally meaningful and makes a positive mark on the world.
I'll also add that purpose is knowing what you were created for or meant to be, the reason for your existence.

A short story on purpose

Once opon a time in a mighty forest there were trees, all of them so beautiful to behold, some of which was the olive tree, the fig tree, vine tree, tumbleweed tree etc. One day l the trees told the olive tree to come rule over them as king but here was the response of the fig tree
I'm I no longer good for making oil, That gives glory to gods and men, and to be demoted to waving over trees ?. The trees having seen that winning the olive tree over would be impossible went to the fig tree and made the same request but the fig tree declined asking them I'm I no longer good for making sweets, My mouthwatering sweet fruits, and to be demoted to waving over trees ?
All the trees left the fig tree and head to the vine tree and ask the same question, again the vine tree declined asking it's fellow tree I'm I no longer good for making wine, Wine that cheers gods and men, and to be demoted to waving over trees?
Lastly they went to the tumbleweed asked the Same question and it's agreed giving them it conditions.(This story can be gotten from Judges 9: 8-15 I used the Message bible Translation)

The day I came across this passage of the Bible I just knew I had to ask God for my purpose in life. If mere trees could stand firm and know what they were created to be how much more a full blown human like me, ah! I just needed to do something about my life . The book Purpose Driven life by Rick Warren also helped as a compass and guide for me too.
Knowing your purpose is as important as you breathing. The moment you know that you have just one life to live and you must fulfill purpose I think you'd get up and work towards it.
The trees in the above story just knew their purpose, knowing your purpose gives you an essence of living, You just know that you are living for something. You know what to do, what to buy, what to say, how to live your life , even to seminars you should attend, books you should read etc.
After knowing that you are born again the next big thing you should find so hard to know is your purpose.

Passion on the other hand is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.

Inasmuch as having a purpose helps you know what you want having a drive or passion for it is another thing.
It's very possible to know your purpose but the passion to run with it isn't there.
Purpose without a passion to drive it is a disaster heading somewhere to happen.
I'd also add that passion is the spark that showcases our purpose or helps bring our purpose to limelight.
I will stop here till we meet in another prompt, but before I leave I'd love to call on @glowie, @zellypearl and @Darahclement to come participate

I remain

Thanks for engaging my blog

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


thank you for sharing @godaddict

This is awesome. I love the way you relate it with what happened in Genesis during creation. God had a purpose for creating man.
Thanks for sharing

Thanks ma'am
I really appreciate you reading this

Abba bless you