HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #242

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @popurri

Community: The Ink Well
Against the invaders (Eng/Esp)
As far as I can see, there are brick walls and windows covered with broken curtains, where clothes hang on improvised clotheslines with ropes that go from one end to the other fastened to a nail that seems to want to come off. A few pots with plastic flowers, their colors faded by the sun and the constant water, are the only decoration. I sit on the edge of my bed, tired of this life, although I am 17 years old, my soul is that of an old man of 60. She, on the other hand, is all light and energy ...
The Ultimate Question
"Paula, you should go home and relax. Your research will be here tomorrow". Paula rubbed her eyes. "No, Matt ...
Author: @jennyzee1

Community: The Ink Well
Blue moon gone wrong
So, I'm pretty sure that everyone has something that they do for fun. Mine happens to be cooking. I tend to try out new dishes that I might've come across maybe in a book or a movie, and I do this once in a blue moon when I have more than enough funds to spend. I'll recreate the dish and if I'm pleased with the result, I'll invite my friends over and share it with them ...

Curated By:
Author: @amberkashif

Community: Hive Learners
Exercise or Dieting, The Decision should be Mindful
For quite a long time in my life I didn’t have to worry about exercise or dieting. My weight was in control and body in shape. Even, for a period, I had become skinny to the extent where the bones of my own body felt like piercing in it. Though I had never been a foodie yet I didn’t care for the calorie intake either ...
Author: @ayesha-malik

Community: Hive Learners
To stay in shape
In ancient times there were no particular thoughts about staying in shape or maybe it did evolve with the passage of time. The reason why they didn't consider this point as they were healthy additionally to fitness. Now if someone will ask the reason for their healthy and fit body one smust know about the diet they have had. But we can't skim the role of hard work they endured ...
Author: @quduus1

Community: Hive Learners
When it comes to having a good shape or maintaining a nice body curve/figure 8, exercises of different types has always been the natural best practice and solution to keep a good shape, this method applies to both the ladies and gentlemen. I grew up in the midst of body builders and gym instructors, and from my many years of studying, i made countless discoveries and it’s been confirmed that exercises of different kinds and calibers are the best natural solution to keep ones body in shape… My big brother from another mother is a bodybuilder and also a gym instructor, my immediate elder brother is a bodybuilder, which is to say I have more experience and knowledge in this aspect better than many people, staying in shape can be quite challenging or easy, depending on the kind of person you’re, for someone who loves exercises, staying in shape isn’t much of a problem even with the fact that he or she is an all time foodie, the food is burnt out when rigorous exercises are done, and it’s more natural and probably healthier than dieting… Food alone doesn’t necessarily make one fat, it contributes to it but it has never been the major factor responsible for getting fat, and exercises instead of dieting is the best way to maintain a good shape… The best way to maintain a good shape to me is EXERCISES. I have always been a big fan of exercise, i have patronized a couple of gyms in my area and i have seen a lot of people including both male and female coming to the gym to maintain a good shape. These people could have resulted to dieting to maintain a good shape, but they all chose to hit the gym to do rigorous exercises to maintain a good ...

Curated By:
Author: @sanjeevm

Community: Silver Bloggers
There is no expert with 100% accuracy
For them it may be only a fraction, but for us its always 100% Last week we ran from pillar to post to find out the right expert to guide on father's health condition, and subsequent treatment plan. And after consulting to several experts, we have found out that, every expert has their own way of diagnosis and prescribe different medicines, based on what they feel is right. And some even go to the extent of blunder and prescribe medicines that even can have fatal consequences, but there is no way you can hold them accountable. Dad went through such a blunder, thanks to our common sense to save him and bring back to normalcy ...
Author: @myjob

Community: Silver Bloggers
Memoir Monday #25 (8/26-9/1) - Have you ever lost a friendship that meant a lot to you?
This is my post for memoirmomday prompt Have you ever lost a friendship that meant a lot to you? hosted by @ericvancewalton As a child, I did not have many close friends that I could see every day because I lived so far away from everyone, so other than school. There were regulars who camped at Dad's campground but sometimes it would be months before I saw them. The girl in the above photo was one of my first friends, her name was Lisa, I do not remember her last name ...
Author: @damarysvibra

Community: Silver Bloggers
Memoir Monday #25. Losing a friend/ Perder un amigo
I believe that friendship is one of the most important relationships we can cultivate throughout our lives. With friends, we learn a lot about love, about respect for others, about living together. I have had the joy of savoring the experience of great friends, people to whom I am united by a super special and distinctive affection, that which makes me want to be “attached” to that person and share mischief, secrets, complicity, the good and not so good moments, in short, those people you feel you love unconditionally. Of these great friends I can say that I have had six, people who have been in my life for many long years, with two of them, the ties have been so strong that we narrowed them even more relating us with the figure of compadrazgo, and it is precisely these two great friends that I have lost and that definitely these losses have left a deep void in my life ...

Curated By:
Things I know.
No matter how little you are or how new you are to something, there's still something you know and don't know. I am sure I have not met anyone in my circle who doesn't have something to give, an experience, a lesson, lecture or other things to motivate or inspire me. This is why no one is useless. Looking down on people because you are in a bigger place and to you, you believe there's nothing you can learn from them is not the right way to go (just my thought) ...
Author: @elizabethspot

Community: Ladies of Hive
This year, we had the incredible opportunity to vacation
This year, we had the incredible opportunity to vacation in the mesmerizing country of Croatia, and I just can't wait to tell you all about it. Our trip was nothing short of spectacular – from the moment we landed to the very last day, every experience was a dream come true. I’m super excited to share that we’ve compiled some stunning pictures from our trip, capturing the essence of our Croatian adventure. I hope these snapshots inspire your next journey and ignite a sense of wanderlust within you! ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

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