HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #251

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @marriot5464

Community: The Ink Well
Yellow Bus
picture generated by me using MetaAI The rain showed no signs of stopping. The streets of Lagos were flooded. Puddles of water were everywhere, but it still didn't kill the busy life in the city. Vibrant colours of yellow buses filled the road ...
Author: @osomar357

Community: The Ink Well
Creative Nonfiction: Wake up. A start for a change of life. Original Content. EN/ESP.
The story: It was around nine o'clock in the morning when I arrived at the doctor's appointment. Ruth, a great friend and co worker, accompanied me, as she was very worried about me, as she was at the work talk that I was giving, when I got dizzy, nauseous and then a bad headache. When I felt bad that day, I saw how I lost the visual ability, before trying to grab hold of the lectern where I was standing, in front of the workers. However, I had no strength, no balance to support myself and ended up on the floor ...
Author: @abdul-qudus

Community: The Ink Well
A hungry man is an angry one.
Life as a student was one of the most amazing phases of my life. We meet different people from different homes with various ideas and characters. There is a saying that you can't know the true color of someone until you are together under the same roof. This is how I get to meet with my roommates ...

Curated By:
Author: @intishar

Community: Hive Learners
Why adventures are important?
Humans are different because of their thoughts, and it’s quite natural. Some of them love to make/have adventures and tours where others don’t like it. They don’t like to go for adventures and tours is not fully true in my opinion because I think most people don’t go for it for the financial issues. I know they are not ready to accept it easily, but based on my observation, I am confident about it ...
Author: @pari.warsh

Community: Worldmappin
Greeting Hopefully you all are doing well . Huhhhhh. I am so tired but also I enjoy a lot today. Ammmmmmm do you want to see some beautifull ? ...
Author: @manclar

Community: Humanitas
Blockchain y la libertad de expresión digital - Mis profundas reflexiones. [ESP-ENG]
Es hora de conversar sobre cuan libre somos, como nos sentidos y que hacemos al respecto para generar un cambio. It's time to talk about how free we are, how we feel and what we do about it to generate change. English version at the end of text Te invito a que participes en esta iniciativa humanistica sobre la libertad de expresion, leyendo como hacerlo Imagen de OpenClipart Vectors en Pixabay Hablar acerca de la libertad de expresión siendo un habitante de Venezuela representa un espacio bastante controversial y doloroso por distintas razones. A través de todos estos últimos años quienes han seguido de cerca la situación del país tanto financiera como política podrán entender a que me estoy refiriendo ...

Curated By:
Plant based camping dinner with grilled peanut tempeh skewers
Hello friends of the Hive realm! I am posting something after too long. I'm tired and exhausted. Working in a busy restaurant in the summer is rough ...
Author: @irvinc

Community: Silver Bloggers
MEMORIES OF THE FUTURE | Memoir Monday (Week 26)
If in that distant September of two thousand and twenty four, thirty years ago, someone had told me that I would live for a hundred years, I would not have believed it. At that time I had just turned seventy, I was not in bad health but I did have some ailments that compromised my quality of sleep and the type of food I could eat. Added to that was living in a country where the health care system was in shambles. Most of the good doctors had emigrated due to political and economic problems, and the remaining staff was poorly trained ...
Author: @doriscova8

Community: Silver Bloggers
Aniversary day//Dia de Aniversario[ENG-ESP]
Greetings, dear Silver community, here we are again because last month I had a birthday and I want to share with you, what was my experience on that day, in which I had decided that I wanted to go to eat in one of those restaurants that are towards the north of the city and that actually had long time that I did not visit them, which in previous years I visited them more regularly. Well I tell you that when we started touring those places where we used to eat very well I have been surprised that most of them are closed, that is almost all those good places where we used to go when we wanted to enjoy a good dish no longer exist, actually that should not surprise me so much because due to the political and economic situation in my country, any of these things is not surprising, but like everything always one is surprised by certain things in the first instance, but then reflects and if this is possible in my country Venezuela. So, apparently one of those that survives all this is the Churchill Steak House, so we decided to have lunch there, the truth was a very nice evening especially because what we ordered to eat was very good, which was a beef tenderloin in wine sauce with mushrooms and Swiss cheese, and accompanied with sautéed vegetables and mashed potatoes, the truth was everything was at its point, very good. However, it is noteworthy that for that day, which was a Tuesday, the place was quite lonely, but I imagine that it must have some clientele so that we can still enjoy its atmosphere, which by the way is very cozy and of course it provokes eating in these places, but it is certainly not an economical place at all, so it is preci ...

Curated By:
Author: @novacadian

Community: sailing
Today started literally at the crack of dawn... Today was departure from Kingston to continue the mighty passage to Halifax. Even at this late date there was prepping to be done. There were two 20 liter diesel canisters to be filled and the two 20 liter of extra drinking water to be filled ...
Author: @olga2772

Community: Hive JA
The end of the war as seen by my father when he was an elementary school student/小学生だった私の父が見た終戦
When the Second World War ended, my father was in Manchuria and was a primary school student. I would like to leave a record of what my father, who is now in a nursing home, has repeatedly said in the past. The reason why he was in Manchuria in the first place was because my paternal grandfather had been a guarantor for someone's debt, and when that person was unable to pay it, my grandfather's family suffered the consequences, so my grandfather decided to go to Manchuria to prevent the family from being separated. My father's older sister was weak and often sickly, but she had a sensitive heart, and during the war she would secretly listen to classical music records with her boyfriend ...
Author: @peaceandmoney

Community: photography
Dinner Table Truths
Continuing with my exploration of the photographic works of Gregory Crewdson, for this post I am focusing on a picture he captured back in 2003 for his Beneath the Roses series. If we look at the picture we are presented with a solemn and sorrowful image. Despite the facial expressions on both woman and boy being somewhat vague and ambiguous they still seem to somehow communicate the most vivid of expressions. The characters seem lost even though they appear to be sitting in the comforts of their own dining room, in their own house, in what should be very familiar territory and maybe it is but perhaps it is each other they don’t know so well, maybe they are too distant from one another to be comfortable ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

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© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris

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