in #hive-19484810 days ago

Most times it is just hard to silence all the noise from the background no matter how hard you try but then, the moment you put in a little effort you just see everything working out even better. As a minimalist, shutting out silence has always been a problem for me, I somehow always thought I needed the next thing and the next but with time it got better because I got to realize I had all I needed. It is one thing to know you don’t need something anymore and it is another thing to completely let go of that thing.

Embracing minimalist was a lot easier for me because it was more of the life that pleases the one who made me (God). You know, sometimes when I’m moved to do things too much, and I remember I’m practicing minimalism, I get myself back to reality and just do what is necessary and that has always been just enough. Nothing less nothing more, just on point. The most beautiful part is, due to the fact that I had some spiritual goals set for me and I found the perfect lifestyle to go with it, it helped me reduce the noise even better.

I remember back in school, my class mates always had one thing or another going on for them but somehow, I was never moved by those things, one thing that kept playing in my head was, the time for all these will come, this is not the time for this. I know some people believe in living in the moment but I don’t think that is applicable to everything. As the day goes by I keep thanking God for helping me make such a decision even at a young age and that made me stand out from most of my peers. It was actually not easy on some days but God’s grace was sufficient for me to pull through.

Fast forward to today, getting into a community where people talk about finding joy and fulfillment in the simple things and also engaging in mindful moments, these things have helped me improve my over all spiritual life because the fact that I see that others are doing these things just gives me the assurance that I can do it as well. My minimalist lifestyle has affected my spiritual life in so many ways that I think it’s cool because it has somehow made my spiritual journey a lot easier and worthwhile.

I accepted minimalism because it was in line with my spiritual goals. I love it when things are at their simplest, that doesn’t mean it is the least. Minimalist lifestyle gave me pride in doing the mindful things and deriving joy while at it, rather than trying to just live in the moment all the time. Being a minimalist changed my mindset towards completing a task. Prior to when I understood what lifestyle I admire, I always thought that I have to always take big step all the time.

If I didn’t take a big step, I never felt fulfilled and that affected my productivity and in turn my happiness. Now I always appreciate every little step and effort I make towards being a better me and it has been so much fun. I make mistakes every now and then but then that doesn’t hold me back from making little conscious efforts to getting it right again. I remember how long it took me to always take some time out to study my Bible, but now it is no longer as difficult because I always make sure that no matter how little it is, I must meditate on a verse or two.

As a minimalist I have also saw the need for more self retrospection, taking out time out of all the busyness and just look inward and be grateful. I have always thought that it is all about who does the most but that’s not true, taking a break every now and then is very necessary as it helps me connect back to God if I was already moving too fast. Sometimes things just stop making sense to me and at that point I just know it that I need to pause and give thanks.

It’s hard for everyone to accept this lifestyle but it is in my goal to make as many people as possible see the need to appreciate such lifestyle because it does have a lot of good effects on one’s mindset. At this point, I know my spiritual lifestyle will keep improving because my minimalist lifestyle is also improving and vice versa. So the two major things minimalist lifestyle has changed about my mindset is the need for always make those little little efforts because they add up and also taking a break and looking inward every now and then.

This is my #kiss, I hope you enjoyed reading through. Big thanks to the one who suggested this #kiss, I personally love it ❤️.

Images used are mine


I like how you expose minimalism as a catalyst, a regulator of mood and priorities. It is very true, and we need to remember it often. Greetings @hopestylist

Thank you! It’s a pleasure having you stop by 🤗.

It's so important learning to recognize the value of small, seemingly inconsequential steps and not just the big productive leaps. I'm glad you found that and that your minimalist practice helped :)

small KISS Gif.gif
Thanks for your #KISS
We enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips

Yeah, it was just interesting how it worked, I guess at some point it was what I was missing but not anymore 🥰.

Thank you so much for the beautiful kiss suggestion and for your comment ❤️

Thank you more for the support 🥰

Amazing piece dear

I remember back in school, my class mates always had one thing or another going on for them but somehow, I was never moved by those things, one thing that kept playing in my head was, the time for all these will come, this is not the time for this

I can relate to this. It is very to get carried away by the pace of others around you. If it looks like everyone else has it all figured out and they kind of know what's next, It may seem like you, who have chosen to take a slower but steady path, is doing it all wrong.

But perseverance will show you that slowly heading in the right direction, instead of rushing with no direction, is always the progressive option.

That’s right Zita, because you go slow you tend to think you are not moving at some point but that is not true unless you stop, hehe.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful contribution 😊