There are so many amazing creatures (animals) in the world today and even some that most of us are yet to know of. Animals are most times adorable and if I'm asked just like now, which animal I'd love to be like, then it has to be a DOLPHIN! Surprised? I'm sure you are not or maybe you are, hehe. Well, of course I do have a reason for wanting to be a dolphin if I were to be an animal. I remember I first saw what a dolphin looks like when I saw one of Barbie series and I so much loved the role they played in the movie. At first I thought it was just a movie and they were not as nice as that but guess what? I was totally wrong!
Few months back, I read a post from @adetorrent where he talked about why he loves dolphins and that made me go into research of the qualities of a dolphin and I got to realize that dolphins are animals that have so many unique and beautiful qualities and that just made me took interest in them. Dolphins are animals that scientists regard as one of the most intelligent animals and their mode of sleeping is also one interesting thing about them too. Unlike most animals, when doing sleep, they just rest a side of their brain while the other side stays away, I think this shows how they are always vigilant of their surroundings.
Dolphins are so playful and friendly. I love being friendly and playful though not all the time like dolphins and I think this means I have a thing or two as them. I heard and read that dolphins are so fun and friendly with humans and they also help save humans when they are in trouble if they are around the area, hehe. Isn't that just beautiful! It is and I would love to be such if I were to be an animal.
Dolphins are great swimmers, of course they are aquatic animals so they should know how to swim but then they are fast at swimming than most other aquatic animals. I don't know how to swim at all, so being a dolphin will be so nice so I can swim and get the opportunity to breath under water, that would be nice, especially for me. I will also get the opportunity to explore different places under water and also think like them. Like I said, scientists have said that dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals if not the most intelligent animals, so it will be so cool to think intelligently like them.
Some Dolphins have a beautiful body color which also happens to be my best color and that is BLUE! My love for that color is really something else I know, hehe but I sometimes wonder why some people don't like blue colors, if you've seen a dolphin before I'm sure you might like that color blue too. It would be nice to have my favorite color as my body color and that's part of the reasons I'd also love to be a DOLPHIN!. I know there are a lot of animals with blue colors but I'm focusing more on dolphins because they have incredible qualities too.
These are some reasons why I'd love to be a DOLPHIN if I were to be an animal. What about you, what would you prefer?
Until next time, stay AWESOME