All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.
Andy was so happy he had managed to get into the job of his dreams, being an accountant in the top accounting firm in the country. On his first day reporting to the company, he felt proud walking through the lobby before reaching the office area where he met his supervisor.
After being briefed, he started off by familiarising with the daily operations that he has to complete on a daily and weekly basis. Everything seemed fine until financial year closing period where effectively people in the company are working almost round the clock trying to close up all the unclear entries or amounts of unaccounted for cash flow. So many things to check and everything has to be tallied line by line. As each day pass, he felt his fatigue level sky rocketing and only 5 cups of coffee can keep him awake. He can also feel his health condition getting worse each day. His seniors shared with him that once this period is over, he can have a good break.
However, Andy didn't think so due to the immense high intensity workload. And it is at this moment that he realized he applied for the wrong job and his dream job isn't as rosy as what he thinks.