All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.
School holidays are here and Roger had been waiting for it for the longest time since the school term start. Finally he will have time to work on his aquarium setup. From young, Roger love to do things himself than buying from the shop unless necessary.
In this new aquarium, Roger decided to build a sump tank for it so that filtration can be channeled to be performed out of the tank to save tank space. He took a couple of old glass from the storeroom and started cutting them into the dimensions he wanted. Then he carefully silicone them together and hold them in place. He then secure the water outlet from the tank to his newly built filter and added filter media for mechanical, chemical and biological filtration. He turned on the water from the tank and everything worked perfectly. He then headed out to the store to get some fish and plants to start building up his aquarium.