
in #alive20 days ago


Wisdom about Harmony in Markdown

Harmony in Markdown can lead to beautiful and organized documents. When used properly, it can make your writing more accessible and visually appealing. However, it's important to remember that too much harmony can also be a bad thing.

If you focus too much on making everything look perfect and symmetrical, you might lose sight of the content itself. Your writing should always be the main focus, not the formatting. Don't sacrifice clarity and readability for the sake of aesthetics.

In addition, be careful not to overuse certain formatting elements. For example, using too many headings or bolded text can make your document overwhelming and difficult to read. Instead, use these elements sparingly to emphasize important points.

Remember, the ultimate goal of using Markdown is to make your writing more effective and engaging. Use harmony to enhance your content, not to overshadow it.


All images are taken from the Pixabay.com