Hy my people,
What our surrounding looks like says a lot about you, being in a healthy environment by healthy o mean clean space speaks for itself.
It's been two days forceful holidays. You like it? want it or not you must be inside your house to be safe. To utilize this opportunity the environment i have promised to feel my impact unlike before. We will take to the street and try our in our best picking up improperly disposed refuse by the ignorant(not an excuse) ones who do not know the harm they bring to the planet as the are not considerate.
When this dirts aren't properly disposed we face the challenges it will bring back to our environment as the result of our actions.
The first day of our mandatory stay indoors comes with this pictures from the actions i took in picking up dirt and disposing to the waste bin the way it should for further actions regarding to the end product if the process of revamping is carried out.
Please let's go through the pictures and see how the it went.
In appreciation to;