⭐️ Rising Star - New RS August goals, progress etc

in #hive-195370last month

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

A good week in the risingstar world. Currently on level 162.

Apart from doing my millionaire and regular missions, today, i tried out or revisited other sections of the risingstar game.

  1. Record Staking
    After a long time i Staked 1000 starbits each in 2 records.
    Will add few more later.

  2. Crafted a drum Custom Card [RSTAR D1323]

  3. Promote fan club mission
    It's been long since i have played this mission. Each mission costs 0.024 Starpro. On completion of the mission, i got 100 Stardust.

  4. Opened 4 card packs.
    Found 1 Epic Card and 3 Rare cards

  5. Raves
    Joined the Green team and send 3 cards. Also sent 1000 starbits to dance pool. I am still learning.

NEW August 2024 Goals:

I also share my RS august goals. Goals ar mostly to motivate me and keep the play interesting.

TaskGoalCurrent StatusBalance
Level1641626127 XP to next level
*Swap / Music Promoter/ hive-engine1000000100000
*Custom shop missions30030
Ego< 10%0%-
Ranking< 155177

Note: Every month i start fresh, i.e. i withdraw all the starbits including the ones i earn from millionaire missions.

Game Stats:


Skills 156868 - from cards, 291439 from lessons
Fans - 197323 from cards, temporary 34233 minus 60 fans at a rave.
Luck - 47629
Cards - 4828

Ego from fans - 231566 (34233 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 152630
Total - 384186

Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 30000

Players Ranking:


Thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


Start your risingstar journey. Join risingstar using my referral link: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=imfarhad
Please don't create multiple accounts you will be banned.

Failure is not the opposite of Success. It is part of Success.
--- William Ritter

Previous post - https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@imfarhad/-rising-star-i-am-stopping-giveaway-posts-for-now-ddg

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