Greetings, I hope you are well and all is well, game lovers! As you know, TFT is a very complex game and the strategies are not always easy to understand, but in every set there are easy compositions to do, and today I will show you one of them. Bruisers with Twitch sauce!
You can watch the gameplay here:
This game Jinx visited us and turned this game into a universe full of crabs. We will have more gold and items. Richer boards will win.
As soon as you see the Bruiser emblem, one composition should pop into your head, the Twitch carrier! What makes this composition more powerful is that you can make Dr. Mundo a bruiser.
The early game was almost perfect for me, I only lost one fight and my opponent had 0 gold, interestingly enough XD
Actually, the 2nd augment isn't bad at all, but when we have the chance to choose one of Twitch's best items, why not do it? I chose the Gold Collector item with the All That Shimmers+ augment. The reason why this item works so well with Twitch is that it allows Twitch to constantly hit different champions and kill them all in a row.
I finished the mid-game on a winning streak because I managed to unlock 6 Bruisers. This made my frontline very tanky and I had 2 2-star Snipers in the back. My opponents had no power to beat me. I don't have to worry about the economy because in the crab universe you can have a lot of resources.
As you know, bruiser champions have a lot of health. That's why it's very hard to kill them. With the Immovable Object augment, I can increase their armor and magic resistance a lot, so it will be almost impossible for me to lose. I just have to manage the process well. This augment allows you to gain a Randuin's Omen and increases its range and effect.
This guy beat me at the beginning of the game, now it's safe to say that we have our revenge! Twitch does incredible damage even at 1 star. Twitch's best items are Guinsoo's Rageblade, Infinity Edge and Gold Collector.
Twitch works very well with his attack speed, so this anomaly will be great for him. This anomaly will grant Twitch 15% attack speed and an additional 1% on each kill. He will become a monster at the end of the game!
I don't know what composition it is, it's like some kind of Emissary Black Rose composition, but it won't work against me. Now you have to try your luck in the next lobby!
I reached level 9 and completed my composition, now I have 6 Bruisers, 2 Snipers and 3 Experiments active. All I need is to find another Jayce so I can give Twitch some extra attack speed.
This guy was also playing Ezreal carrier. Is Ezreal powerful in some way I don't know about or are they doing something wrong? We'll find out at the end of the game.
This guy playing a Conqueror composition was my most challenging opponent. I never expected this, but he managed to kill many champions on my board. How can he be so strong?
This family guy was also on a winning streak, until he played me XD He looked much stronger when I played him, right? He's like this now because he's giving items to the wrong champions.
I wanted to surprise my opponents before the last fight and boom! Twitch 3 stars baby! You didn't expect this either, right? This way he will be able to spread his poison all over the board and reduce my chances of losing to zero.
I'm zooming in a bit so you can take a closer look at the damage graph, 18377! It was an incredibly strong ending and a really enjoyable game.
Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to share your thoughts with me in the comments. Take care and have a great day my friends!