Now, this is one of the topics I shouldnt talk about. If you know me almost 90% of my blogs are filled with self-talk. I mean what me and inuke discuss mostly. And now If I start advising people on self-talk that would make me a hypocrite. And I am okay with being called a hypocrite.
Now before we proceed further, I asked inuke how to go forward with this. It was his idea that this blog to be solo. Yes, I asked my inner voice for permission. And I feel it's a good thing. This post could have been a regular banter between myself and inuke, but I think that would dilute the point that I am trying to make.
What I and inuke have been doing is trying to push towards a common goal although there are times when you see a disagreement but that gets resolved then and there itself. I don't keep a grudge against inuke, that would be keeping a grudge against yourself. And grudge is a breeding ground for self-loathing and all kinds of negative worms. Coming back to the self-talk, even though the discussion is riddled with small insults the goal is to put differences aside and try to work together. And I can say with 100% certainty that I am a much better person than what I used to be about 10 years ago.
The talk that I used to have with myself back then was something I wasn't proud of. I was like a broken watch beyond repair. It was so bad that not just me but the people around used to call me the broken one. Well, not exactly the broken one but names that mean the same. You know the emo guy who just wants the world to end, except he is not emo. That would be the description of me.
And the Funny thing is I don't even remember what made me that way. But I know what got me out. It was the positive self-talk. To put things in a better way you all know the idiom “god helps those who help themselves”. That is such a powerful idiom. People often throw it in casual talks without getting into the deep self-talk and exploration of this line. I urge you to have a discussion with yourself on what this idiom really is. You know the most interesting part of the discussion you going to get the most unique answer ever because its shaped by your experience. Only you know what you've been through, what you've endured, what mistakes you made and what wrong you did. That is correct, its not going to be pretty, you will have to face the ugly side of yourself too. But that is ok. Own it and move forward. Because if you are willing to listen to yourself who will?
And watch what you say to yourself and listen carefully.
Hey Folks,
Today is Day 3 of the daily writing challenge.
Happens to be Monday, so I thought it's a good way to start motivation Monday. And I am serious about the self-talk. Get to know yourself first and then you can jump on any bandwagon you like. I mean YOLO, why not know yourself a little bit more. And I had fun while writing this post. So Yay!!.
As always, a big thank you to India United, Be Awesome and ThoughtfulDailyPost for their motivation and support.
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