There is no such thing as being baptized more than once

in #hive-1820743 months ago

I will write my response by using the Catholic church as an example. There have been many arguments about baptism, but if you are a Catholic especially one who was born and brought up in the faith then you might have the experience where your brethren from other denominations usually question your format or method of baptism and why the Catholic Church regards certain baptism from other churches as invalid.
According to the Catholic catechism, baptism is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, which cleanses us from original sin (Adamic nature) and makes us children of God and members of the church. Baptism is regarded as the pathway to other sacraments which include, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, Holy order, and Holy matrimony.

Baptism is also known as the sacrament of initiation. At the fall of Man in Genesis Chapter 3, man lost his place in God because of disobedience and this attracted God's judgment on mankind. At baptism, the rites or rituals of baptism cleanse us from that original sin of man and reunite us with God and our brothers and sisters. For instance, in the Catholic Church, during baptism, the candidate is robed in a white cloth or dress signifying purity or spotlessness. Baptism is our identity in Christ. Romans 6:3-4. At baptism we become dead, buried, and alive in Christ Jesus through the glory of God the Father, we begin to enjoy the newness of life in Christ Jesus.

Being baptized twice, is it biblical? | The Old Path

After listening to the video clip from Brother Eli, I want to guess the issue of two or double baptism may have come up when people asked why some churches especially the Catholic Church rejected or rendered baptism from some other churches invalid or unacceptable.

Before I continue, I would like to empathically state that the Catholic church teaches that certain sacraments cannot be administered twice; such sacraments include Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy order. These sacraments can only be administered or received once in a lifetime.

When is a baptism said to be valid?

Usually, in the case, where a new or intending convert wishes to join the Catholic faith, such a person is asked to present his or her baptismal certificate. Upon verification, the Catholic Church reserves the right to render such baptism invalid when it is not conducted as instructed in Matthew 28:19-20 "Go to all the nations of the earth, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit". A baptism is said to be valid when the minister uses both:

• Water: which signifies life, rebirth cleansing and

• The trinitarian formula (that is in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit).

The Catholic Church accepts and considers baptisms from churches like the Anglican church, the Assembly of God, Reformed Church of God, Baptists, and Methodists, just to mention a few among others, as valid. This is because this church uses the trinitarian form during baptism. Other church baptismal rites considered invalid include Jehovah's Witnesses, Apostolic faith mission, the church of Illumination, the church of Revelation, etc amongst others.

What happens is that when members from the latter churches wish to join the formal churches, they are prepared and asked to be baptized. This seems to be another baptism to them but in the real sense, baptism at their formal denomination is considered invalid before they do not follow the trinitarian form. Another scenario is when a member of the Catholic faith wishes to change his or her denomination, it is erroneous for the ministers and members of the intended denomination to re-baptize such an individual because what makes baptism valid is the trinitarian formula as recorded in Matthew 28:19.

Every candidate anticipating receiving the sacrament of baptism undergoes a period of three years and above to prepare themselves through rigorous learning of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the church. What the Catholics refer to as catechism classes. A candidate who has no prior knowledge of the faith would only fall out in no time.

Teaching or gaining the knowledge of God's commandments is important, after being taught, baptism ushers and welcomes you into the family of God. The Catholic Church is well organized in the administration of teaching and passing knowledge, that even after baptism, candidates take up confirmation classes, at confirmation they are considered mature, perfect Christians and soldiers of Christ. At this point, it is expected that you have gained more knowledge of the faith and are ready to defend the teachings of Christ without fear.

Jesus Christ himself had set a guideline or format on how things should be done, it is only right that we adhere to it. The sacrament of baptism is received once except in the case where the trinitarian formula was not used, only then is it considered invalid.

I hope you learned something new today.

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