Hello everyone and ladies of Hive,
Some years back when I was still into 9-5 job specifically doing office work. I could sit in a particular position for over six hours, l only get up when I want to use the restroom. To make my work faster, I usually get every documents needed ready and handy on my table to avoid going back and forth to get them while working. My meal is usually close by too. When is lunch time I just have to grab my lunch pack and eat. This was my daily routine for years, paying no mind to the danger behind such kind of lifestyle.
I'm a wellness enthusiast, how I allowed my quest to get my job done faster to becloud my sense of ‘health first’ beats my imagination. I gradually started developing swollen feet (even when I wasn't pregnant), I gained excess weight, it increased to joint pains. I also noticed that my digestion process dropped drastically with occasional heartburn. My water intake was poor, this was intentional to avoid frequent urination. Being diligent to work is golden but it shouldn't be at the expense of one's health.
I visited a health consultant, he asked some questions about my daily routine. After that visit I became conscious of sitting at a position for too long. I changed most of my routine. Instead of keeping all the needed documents for work on the table before commencement of work, I go to the shelve to pick them when needed. From time to time I get up, walk around to stretch my feet. I also formed the habit of walking around for about ten minutes after eating. Though these changes improved my health status to an extent but it wasn't completely changed.
*The whole story changed when I resigned to work from home. I wake up each day after finished sleeping, do some indoors exercise because I don't have to rush off to work to avoid being late, lol."
I do my normal online job in-between my house chores like laundry and cooking. I take a lot of water and snack on fruit. , I don't keep my water close to me to also aid movement. I occasionally lie down to work too to ease my back though I do this when I've long worked as I might doze off.
In conclusion, our greatest asset is good health. While we hustle to make money we shouldn't neglect our health. Our present lifestyles tell more on our health mostly at old age. Do some exercise, walk out, don't sit at a spot for too long, drink plenty of water preferably room temperature except if you're working or walking in the sun. To snack, instead of fries snack on fruits. After eating take a ten minutes walk, it aids digestion.
Thanks for reading and engaging, I hope these health tips help to improve your health status.