Busy Days Coming Again / Wednesday / Before the Rain

in #hive-11777811 days ago


Busy Days Coming Again

It's actually convention season for us, and we're also preparing for our upcoming RC in sign language. We will be inviting our deaf students to attend the 3-day convention, and of course, we are also preparing for the accommodations of delegates coming from more than 10 provinces in Luzon.


I had this feeling of laziness today. My mind isn't even working that I'm unable to write anything. I did the Tap2earn platforms, and scrolled over social media. Perhaps the weather is also affecting me because it's quite gloomy. Meanwhile, I woke up quite early, and went downstairs when the mobile bakery came in. But since I'm feeling lazy, I returned to bed. 😆

Before the Rain

When we went to San Carlos City, it's still very sunny. I'm not expecting rains, however in few hours, the rain fell.



