It's always been about the status, wherever you go. Equality will never happen in this current system we are in no matter how people try to fight for it. People will treat you differently, depending on your status in life. We all have diverse way of thinking, and imperfections often prevail. It's a reality, and a bitter pill that all you can do is swallow.
I was thinking that flood may have entered the house. Huge areas in the are currently submerged in floods brought about by the monsoon rains prevailing in the country. We also had hours of rain last night, though gladly it wasn't torrential. Going downstairs this morning, I'm just glad it's dry.
The mobile bakery came in, and I bought some, as usual, for breakfast. The sun is appearing today, but I think it will rain later. I'm just hoping I'm wrong because we will attend our midweek meeting in sign language later.
Almost Clear Skies
Do not be deceived by sunshine nowadays. The sky may be clear but it won't guarantee an entire day of sunshine. Yes, it often happens in our country nowadays.