Event Started / Monday / Estanza Views

in #hive-1177782 months ago


Event Started

The important event has started already, and it's nice to see my friends from different parts of our country. It's been awhile that I haven't seen a lot of them. Of course, we're happy that some of our deaf students has attended the RC Sign Language. We had the event until Sunday, and of course, we will miss our friends whom we usually see few times a year.


I was quite tired after the events for several days which started last Thursday. Some of our new friends came to visit our town this morning, and my wife had met up with them too early, while I'm still at bed. I followed around 8am, and got home around 12 noon because I'm going to attend the wedding of our friend in Australia, which I am connected virtually.

Estanza Views

Back then, I used to see in social media about Estanza, the second westernmost village in our town. Going there takes around 20 minutes of travel from our village and the town proper. The place is quite nice but we don't have that much time to stay longer. But I admit, the beach and park close to our home is prettier. It's just more peaceful there.




