Misunderstanding / Tuesday / Sky Before the Rain

in #hive-11777821 days ago



Majority of conflicts nowadays were brought about misunderstanding and lack of humility. Pride has become the culprit why such things happen. There might be diplomatic relationships, but there are complaints against each other. Despite the discussions between the parties, there's still a grudge that's controlling them which leads to a bigger problem.


I still feel I'm lacking sleep as I had less than 7 hours since the last four nights. I couldn't stay asleep after 7am despite hitting the hay quite late. It's probably my body's system that I should be awake at a certain time in the morning.

Meanwhile, it's quite peaceful right in our place today despite the students and workers back to school and work respectively. It's been a four-day weekend for everyone, though it has no effect on me.

Sky Before the Rain

Rain comes in our place oftentimes unexpectedly. The photos show how the sky looks like an hour before the rain fell down. We can get easily deceived by the weather, thus the need to be ready by having our rain gears.




