Seat at the Table
Not everyone deserves to have a seat at your table. Some people may attempt or ask to have one, but they have their own agenda. It might be a form of betrayal that they only wanted an information from you. Know who your real friends are. It's good to have a few seats on your table, than a lot when some of those attendees are merely there to contaminate your circle.
It's a windy Monday, and I can hear it blowing. To be honest, I'm still feeling tired after the recent Circuit Assembly day. Yesterday, we went to the beach to unwind, had a good trip, and a good walk in the oval at the sports complex. Our walk is equivalent to one kilometer.
Back to the Beach
As I had mentioned, we went to the beach yesterday. Our friends had sleepover last Saturday in our place after our Circuit Assembly day. It's a good visit at the beach because of the breeze. The last time we went there, it's very calm that I almost haven't felt the breeze.