The ink well fiction. Jay's moment

in #hive-17079828 days ago

This is the fifth time, now Jay reluctantly says to his mother, please I want to go for a conference and I will love you to tell Dad so that he will support me with transport fare and also money I will use for my upkeep since it will last for 3 days.

Ok,his mum replied, at that moment it was an “Ah Ha moment” For her as she knew very well that all her messages will be delivered ASAP she knew Jay will do whatever she asks him to do because he wants her to deliver his message to his father.

It was 4 days before the date of the conference so it was a back to back message from one angle to another angle. He does everything with the hope that she will be impressed and then help him to deliver his message to his father.

Even with a strong doubt in his heart because this is the 5th time he has asked for that favour but the previous 4 were aborted with no strong reason to back it up. The message always ends up coming that “Your father has refused to let you won't go to the conference”.

This is not a conference to miss as he has gotten a lot of wonderful shared experiences from his friends who have attended such conferences.

Jay’s father is a very busy man and wouldn't even notice most of the things that happen in the house, he tries to double his stream of income after he had a terrible incident that led to the passing away of Jay’s mother at labor because he couldn't afford the money to save her from dying. He married his second wife who had taken care of Jay from his infant stage even up to his teenage.

So the one Jay calls mum is not his biological mother and so she wouldn't want him to leave the house as he does most of the house chaos. She made Jay believe that his Dad can only grant his request if he comes through her, so that made Jay to constantly submit his request through his step mother.

The days pass by and the conference approaches but still there was no positive response from his step mother whom he assumed to be his mother.

Jay accompanied one of his friends home who paid him a visit.

Howfar are you going this time around? His friend asked.

Jay explains to him how he might not go to the conference. it's normal with you since we started attending this conference you have never been a part of it, well I have told my Dad and he has approved of it.

Wait, you mean you told your Dad about it yourself? Jay asked.

Yes, I tell him about any of my needs myself.

The Ah Ha moment for Jay as he realized he has been missing simply because his mum never conveyed his message to his Dad.

It's already 1 day to the date. It might be an impromptu message but nevertheless I will still try to tell him myself.

Later at night Jay’s Dad returned from work.
So Jay strategized his move and planned on how to pass his message. He knew the only time he would have his fathers time was only on the dining table, so he gave it a shot while the meal was going on, even though it was against the dining policy.

Dad, please I want to ask for something.

Can't it wait? His Dad asked.

His mum looked at him with a bombastic side eye, but he never cared as he went ahead to table his request “Dad please I want to go for a conference tomorrow with my friends.” Ok, his dad replied How much do you need?

To Jay’s greatest surprise without much stress his dad asked him to calculate how much will be enough for him and submit by morning the following day which was the actual day for the conference.


Ah Ha Jay said to himself the channel of Barrier has been broken as it will from now henceforth be in direct contact with the source.

His sleep that night was as cool as the moon. He couldn't believe the swiftness of his message and the quick response from his Dad.

He made an estimate and told his dad how much will be enough but his dad will rather not take chances of him being stranded in the middle of nowhere, so he made it double and at that point his mum has no power to do anything.

So she allowed Jay’s father to leave the house

She called Jay to sound a good warning to him as that should be the first and last he will ever go straight to his father for anything.

He only Nodded his head with a smile on his face since this request has been approved already, and to him that is the beginning of requesting things from his father, if his friends can ask their fathers for things why will his own be different?

He just discovered the secret of getting things from his father without having to hope on someone who might end it up with a negative result.


Wow, I could feel the feel good and happy heart of Jay this moment. Too bad some step mother can be that difficult to deal with. Am also happy that Jay's friend was able to show him a positive way of doing things, that is, making requests directly to one's father; not a negative one.

We all try to be extra careful and obedient whenever we want a favour from our parents, funny how it works all the time.

Sure the magic works most times.

Most step mothers are just too wicked, if I may say. They always have the mind of wickedness towards their step children. This is not the best.
Thank goodness that he has device a means to the direct source and not to the immediate.

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I'm smiling on behalf of Jay 😃
His joy knew no bounds. Why go to the channel when you can get it directly from the source? His step mum didn't just want him to go to the conference, that was the reason she was speaking(lying) on behalf of Jay's dad.

In another thought, what does she stand to gain if he didn't attend the conference? Not that it was an evening party 🤧

Absolutely nothing, it's just some small wicked mindset.