Two in one ...

in #hive-1688693 months ago

Birthday Sunday and Father's Day, as we say in my land "two birds with one stone" lol...

That Sunday dawned with my breakfast in bed, a sign of celebrating my name day and Father's day. It is essential to understand the different parenting roles and, above all, that being a parent, like motherhood, has its challenges, that's why it's not good to “cut all parents with the same scissors”.

Today I celebrate good parents, and I send a lot of love for each one.

If I was very lucky in something in this life, it was to have had the dad I still have at 88 years old, he is full of all his faculties. Father's Day was celebrated last Sunday, from our home we congratulate all the parents for their effort and fortitude in order to raise and develop their children. All this happened one day after my birthday, at this latitude of the world, in Venezuela and in some other countries of the American continent.

My dad determined my life. He is my eternal hero. The heartthrob with Liquilique. The life of the party. The most friendly and talkative. My friends loved him. Where I arrived, I just had to say that I was the daughter of Manuel Arratia Ponce. Everyone knew him. He was the first to become a General of the Venezuelan army, in his family, currently in a retirement situation. Great player of Creole balls. Generous to the fullest.

My dad raised and educated us at home, based on respect for our being as children and not being interventionist, to allow us autonomy and our individual pace of growth and development. And every day kisses, hugs and loving words.

I celebrate you today and every day of my life Daddy Manuel.

And the fact is that my dad's brand has been so powerful in my life that today, one day after turning 60 and something else, I am living the most forceful Oedipus of existence with J. R., my husband, identical to my dad.

But that's another topic, it's a personal enjoyment that amuses and amazes me about the pope I chose for my children.

In the same way, my husband, the father of my children, I try to give our children a lot of possibility to have their own initiatives of free movement and independent play. I looked after the physical and mental health of my children, taking into account movement, the outdoors, environments, food and all the hours of sleep according to their need and age. And every day kisses, hugs and loving words.

The true value of a father is revealed in the time he invests in his family, no matter the distances that separate us. Although we have three children in different countries, our love and commitment keep us united. Being a father is a constant act of guiding with love, consideration and respect, teaching our children to walk on the right path.

Everyone counts when it comes to maintaining balance in the family balance of life, which also moves every time and every day. But without a doubt, a father present with his love, example, respect and consideration gives the necessary counterweight to achieve it. I celebrate with love every day that I have shared with you, my husband, this project of being happy, making our beloved children happy.

We continue to celebrate the importance of those shared moments, because they are the ones that build an unshakable legacy.

My father and the father of my children, wonderful beings. Not all men are bad or absent. So I bless the good and wonderful men.

Happy day to my dad and all the good fathers in the world. Today is Wednesday of a week that I know you are saying goodbye to, to welcome you to another weekend that starts with commitments that are in the sights... How about those plans??!!, for all of you who read me.


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Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL


Keep up the good work. 👏

Recognized by Mystic artist Gudasol

You are loved.

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Thankssss You so much Ecency Curator upvoter my post This day 🌹