Hive Jamming Zone Week 28 || A Spontaneous Jam on Key G || [Eng/Esp]

in #hive-12002617 days ago

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Hello friends of the hive Music Zone Community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you all to week 28 of the Jamming Zone jamz. It is a pleasure to share my Jamming with you all and enjoy good music with you. I hope that you would enjoy this piece that I bring you. God bless you.

Like I always say in my spontaneous jamz, spontaneous stuffs help to improve one's musical performance. How? Eventhough one is not tied down to trying to learn and perfect a particular style, but it opens one up to an exploration of the inner self.

Every musician has a self which is capable of producing that which no one has ever produced. In short, it is much more understandable when we try to analyse how the tunes we have in the world today came about. They are products of people's inspirations.

Musical inspirations flow naturally from that musician who allows himself to be moved by the passion for music. That musician that allows himself to be soaked in the realm of musical spirit without doubt is able to render new things to his generation.

I don't want to believe or accept that whatever that there can be has already been before. If that is the case then it would be that whatever that there is already that was once seen as something new was never new because it woukd have been somewhere before. I believe that there are still new things to be discovered. It only needs that mind that is ready to concentrate and think and try to produce that.

In the video I made today, I decided to allow myself to be taken into the realm of the Spirit and allow music to flow. The funny things is that it didn't need to take a long time to flow. Just few minutes of silence and musical thinking brought out the result you see here.


This jam is comprised of an intro and a supposed melody for a song but which is unknown because no lyric was thought about. After making this video, I watched it for like three times and was glad that I made it.

The chord combination was not planned but came by intuition and it was a delight to my heart. Dear friends, I encourage musicians to allow themselves to be taken by the spirit of music and enjoy music which is a religion on its own. I am glad I made this here and I hope that you would love it. Thanks for your support and time.


Hola amigos de la comunidad de Hive Music Zone, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les doy la bienvenida a todos a la semana 28 del jamz de Jamming Zone. Es un placer compartir mi Jamming con todos vosotros y disfrutar de buena música con vosotros. Espero que os guste esta pieza que os traigo. Dios lo bendiga.

Como siempre digo en mis jamz espontáneos, las cosas espontáneas ayudan a mejorar la interpretación musical. ¿Cómo? Aunque uno no está atado a tratar de aprender y perfeccionar un estilo particular, lo abre a una exploración del yo interior.


Cada músico tiene un yo que es capaz de producir lo que nadie ha producido jamás. En definitiva, es mucho más comprensible cuando intentamos analizar cómo surgieron las melodías que hoy tenemos en el mundo. Son productos de la inspiración de las personas.

Las inspiraciones musicales brotan naturalmente de aquel músico que se deja mover por la pasión por la música. Aquel músico que se deja empapar en el ámbito del espíritu musical sin duda es capaz de aportar cosas nuevas a su generación.

No quiero creer ni aceptar que lo que pueda haber ya haya existido antes. Si ese es el caso, entonces sería que todo lo que ya existe y que alguna vez fue visto como algo nuevo nunca fue nuevo porque habría estado en algún lugar antes. Creo que aún quedan cosas nuevas por descubrir. Sólo necesita esa mente que esté lista para concentrarse, pensar y tratar de producir eso.

En el video que hice hoy, decidí dejarme llevar al reino del Espíritu y permitir que la música fluya. Lo curioso es que no hizo falta mucho tiempo para fluir. Sólo unos minutos de silencio y pensamiento musical produjeron el resultado que ves aquí.

Este jam se compone de una intro y una supuesta melodía de una canción pero que se desconoce porque no se pensó en ninguna letra. Después de hacer este video, lo vi unas tres veces y me alegré de haberlo hecho.

La combinación de acordes no fue planeada sino que surgió por intuición y fue un deleite para mi corazón. Queridos amigos, animo a los músicos a dejarse llevar por el espíritu de la música y a disfrutar de una música que es una religión en sí misma. Me alegro de haber hecho esto aquí y espero que te guste. Gracias por su apoyo y tiempo.

▶️ 3Speak


Your words are really inspiring, it is true that when we improvise we bring out the best of us, there is definitely original music inside us to exploit and show to the world.

Thanks for sharing your talent! Regards!

Music is so so wide and there is always something new to render. I am glad you found this interesting. Thanks man

Just as @musicandreview has pointed out man, your words are really inspiring accompanied with a melodious music.
I saw your post about 5 hours ago... I returned to watch again and here I am giving a feedback brother.

What a pleasure, thanks man

The flow of the instrumen is amazing and I'm inspired by your statement "Musical inspirations flow naturally from that musician who allows himself to be moved by the passion for music"
If I grow I will love to be like you☺️

Shew!! How u wan take grow again na, haha
Thanks baby gal, those words mean a lot to me.

You're welcome☺️

very amazing my friend, the bass and melodic sound are very well blended, and I want to ask, what kind of backing track do you use, I hear it is so soft, and it seems easy to learn

Thanks bro
I don't use any backing track bro, everything is done by me and from my own initiative

I like how comfortable I see you playing the keyboard. You enjoy it and that's how we connect with art. I applaud you above all, for the support you have shown us in this initiative. You are part of this great musical universe that unites us.

What a pleasure to get such a sound lifting comment. Thanks man, music is for me a force that drives me to keep living and so we keep making music. Thanks again

What a great job my friend, it was a pleasure to enjoy this great performance, also it was a pleasure to read your post brother. Congrats and greetings 🙏

Heeeey pero que lindísimo suena esto! Me recuerda un poco a las películas de los 90 sabes?! En esas escenas cercanas al mar. Qué bonito 🌠

Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Jam Session. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thank you for sharing your performance at the Jam Session. Your post was reviewed by us and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!

Cintillo Jamming Zone.png

Thanks a lot family

Your interpretation is rhythmic, inspired and joyful. With a dynamism and well-defined patterns. I congratulate you for your creativity and for this beautiful interpretation with the keyboard. You are a versatile musician with a good musical ear and sense of rhythm.

Wao! I was left in a joyful state reading all these. Thanks man,I am glad that this interested you