Hive Music Community || A Vlog on Four Common but Interesting things about my favorite Int. Musician

in #hive-19381611 days ago

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Hello friends of the Hive Music Community, my name is @jesus-son. I welcome you all to my blog on this occasion in which I shall be discussing a very interesting theme. I hope that you would enjoy this presentation.

So today, I am initiating an event and that is, talking about my favorite International musician of all time, whether alive or dead. On this occasion, I shall discuss sucintly both in the video and in this writing, why I love the person of the great singer and pop writer, the late Michael Jackson. It is a privilege for me to bring his matter to the table here.

Eventhough there are quite a number of things to be told of Michael Jackson, I shall present only Four common but very intersating things about this Pop legend. He remains my all time favorite International musician. Read on and get to know why I love him eventhough he is dead today.

Firstly, Michael Jackson, was a great composer and singer. His ability to compose was out of this world. He wrote songs with great lyrics, deep meanings. He had vocals that was so unique. A kind of the feminine voice and that made him so unique in his style of music. He was indeed the king of pop music.

Secondly, Michael Jackson, was a great dancer. He had dance steps that were original to him. In Nigeria, we called that kind of dance step, Break dance, hehe. He was a master of it. Those days while we were growing up, we always loved to watch him dance and afterwards, we tried to imitate him and present such in occasions, like graduation parties and all of that. He used to be the beloved of every children in the neighborhood then. Now, we miss him and could wish he was still alive.

Thirdly, Michael Jackson was a man for all. He kicked against racism which was ravaging the world at that time and especially in the music industry. As a matter of fact, he fought and defeated racial discrimination in the music industry and we love him for that.


Racism is one evil that has been eating up the lives of many people in the world today. It is destroying relationships and endangering world peace. It just doesn't make any sense. This ideology for me is a product of a disorder in the formation of the human conscience. We need to put an end to this practice and join Michael Jackson to advocate for a just society.

Lastly, Michael Jackson, was a man of sympathy for the weak and the suffering. He had great concern for the abandoned, the poor, the disabled, the children in the society. This we see in most of his songs and especially in the song Heal the world where he sang that we should all work for a better world.

From this few indications, it is obvious that this man was a great figure. A man who conquered many barriers and was so famous in the world. I miss him so much for his ingenuity. In fact, the world at large miss him and could wish there could be others like him in the music industry today.

So I hope with these, you get to know why Michael Jackson is my favorite International musician. I invite you dear friends to join in this exercise to tell us about your best International musician and why you love him or her. Give me a tag that I may show up and see what you have got.

Thank you very much for reading through and listening to my presentation. God bless you and God bless the music industry. ONE LOVE


Hola amigos de la Comunidad Hive Music, mi nombre es @jesus-son. Les doy la bienvenida a todos a mi blog en esta ocasión en la que discutiré un tema muy interesante. Espero que disfrutes de esta presentación.


Así que hoy estoy iniciando un evento y es hablar de mi músico internacional favorito de todos los tiempos, ya sea vivo o muerto. En esta ocasión, discutiré sucintamente, tanto en el video como en este escrito, por qué amo la persona del gran cantante y escritor pop, el fallecido Michael Jackson. Es un privilegio para mí traer su asunto a la mesa aquí.

Aunque hay bastantes cosas que decir sobre Michael Jackson, presentaré sólo Cuatro cosas comunes pero muy interesantes sobre esta leyenda del pop. Sigue siendo mi músico internacional favorito de todos los tiempos. Sigue leyendo y descubre por qué lo amo a pesar de que hoy está muerto.

En primer lugar, Michael Jackson, fue un gran compositor y cantante. Su habilidad para componer estaba fuera de este mundo. Escribió canciones con grandes letras y significados profundos. Tenía una voz que era única. Una especie de voz femenina que lo hacía tan único en su estilo de música. De hecho, era el rey de la música pop.

En segundo lugar, Michael Jackson, era un gran bailarín. Tenía pasos de baile que eran originales para él. En Nigeria, a ese tipo de paso lo llamábamos break dance, jeje. Era un maestro en eso. Esos días mientras éramos pequeños, siempre nos encantaba verlo bailar y después tratábamos de imitarlo y presentarlo en ocasiones, como fiestas de graduación y todo eso. Entonces solía ser el amado de todos los niños del vecindario. Ahora lo extrañamos y desearíamos que todavía estuviera vivo.

En tercer lugar, Michael Jackson era un hombre para todos. Luchó contra el racismo que asolaba el mundo en ese momento y especialmente en la industria musical. De hecho, luchó y venció la discriminación racial en la industria musical y lo amamos por eso.

El racismo es un mal que ha estado devorando las vidas de muchas personas en el mundo actual. Está destruyendo relaciones y poniendo en peligro la paz mundial. Simplemente no tiene ningún sentido. Esta ideología para mí es producto de un desorden en la formación de la conciencia humana. Necesitamos poner fin a esta práctica y unirnos a Michael Jackson para abogar por una sociedad justa.


Por último, Michael Jackson, fue un hombre que simpatizaba con los débiles y los que sufrían. Tenía gran preocupación por los abandonados, los pobres, los discapacitados y los niños de la sociedad. Esto lo vemos en la mayoría de sus canciones y especialmente en la canción Heal the world donde cantó que todos deberíamos trabajar por un mundo mejor.

A partir de estos pocos indicios, resulta obvio que este hombre era una gran figura. Un hombre que conquistó muchas barreras y fue tan famoso en el mundo. Lo extraño mucho por su ingenio. De hecho, el mundo en general lo extraña y desearía que hubiera otros como él en la industria musical actual.

Espero que con esto puedas saber por qué Michael Jackson es mi músico internacional favorito. Los invito queridos amigos a unirse a este ejercicio para contarnos sobre su mejor músico internacional y por qué lo aman. Dame una etiqueta para que pueda aparecer y ver lo que tienes.

Muchas gracias por leer y escuchar mi presentación. Dios los bendiga y Dios bendiga a la industria musical. *** UN AMOR ***

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Here's a small tip 👍🏾 @tipu curate

Thanks a lot friend

Welcome bro 👊🏾

Michael Jackson remains the favorite of many!
Funny enough, I really was a fan of his when he was alive.
I became addicted to his music and his styles after his death because I got to listen to his music and also watched many of his dance styles.
Infact, i remembered that we used his song go choreography in my secondary school days!
This blog is very educative brother

His dance steps used to be the most admired part of him for me those days, but now that I appreciate good music the more, I feel I am in love with his songs, the lyrics are super informative and educative.
Thanks man for visiting.

For real.
That guy was a genius with lyrics.

Bendiciones buen hermano! Que bonito verte; hoy variando un poco, eso es genial 🙌

Muchas gracias amigo

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