
I don't know England well, but I know Yew. In the last month I have been much in the forest, coursing game amongst the Yew, and I have foraged a lot of fruits of the forest. I have prepared a few kilos of Chanterelle mushrooms for vacuum bagging and freezing tonight. The raspberries I grow are still producing their second fruit, but I am champing at the bit to can them as jam and preserves, along with the many other wild fruits I have foraged, blue and black berries, salal, and huckleberries too. My freezer is too full of them, and I must begin canning them to make room for the mushrooms.

I am adding production tools for food preparation and preservation, and working with local landowners to gain access to dirt to garden, and perhaps a better home and income. I do not aim to become a weapon, but prefer to be blessing to good people rather than a curse to the evil. I don't know that we must militarily defeat our enemies, but I know we must out compete them economically, and I endeavor to produce better meat at lower cost. Automation of such means then can render centralized supplies, which our use of enriches our parasitic enemies, obsolete, and therefore uncompetitive. We all have different strengths and abilities, and I commend you to yours, in good health and contentment in your circumstances.


You're always inspiring me with old world lessons.

I am currently trying to find an allotment in my city to grow food on, it's the best that i can do whilst stuck in a city for the time being. Other than that, i'm at the mercy of the death-stores and outdoor markets (quality of fruits and veg has gone severely down hill). I wish i knew more farmers as you suggested.

Keep up the good work!

As we got a couple days of sun, a last burst of blackberries ripened and after I'd got enough stuff done I grabbed a milk jug and tied it around my neck and spent the twilight hour picking them. It's probably the end of the season. My freezer is stuffed, and I have to make some room by using the berries I've been freezing all harvest season, so I can't even freeze these ones. I have to use them straight away, because they won't last two days if I don't.

Surely there are hedges of bramble there you could pick berries from?