For ¨FungiFriday¨ we saw curious fungi on the ¨Ganoderma¨¨sessile¨ [Esp/Eng].

in #hive-15132720 days ago
Como están mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Que alegría poder estar acompañando a nuestro amigo @ewkaw en su iniciativa semanal ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   Algo que me gusta de este desafío es la oportunidad de aprender sobre las especies de hongos que hay en mi ciudad, y de las experiencias que comparten otros amigos de #Hive

Source: Family Álbum

How are my friends from this wonderful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  What a joy to be able to accompany our friend @ewkaw in his weekly initiative ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   Something I like about this challenge is the opportunity to learn about the species of mushrooms that exist in my city, and the experiences shared by other friends of #Hive

Esta ha sido otra interesante semana de búsqueda de hongos, hemos vistos tres especies muy bonitas. El primer hongo que les quiero enseñar es uno conocido con el nombre de ¨Neolentinus¨lepideus¨:  como se puede apreciar su crecimiento está dado en ramas o troncos de árboles, su ¨sombrero¨ es muy llamativo por sus pequeñas manchas, algunos de los hongos que encontramos se estaban deteriorando, y aunque no tienen la mejor apariencia, en algunas partes del mundo se utilizan en algunas recetas

Source: Family Álbum

This has been another interesting week of mushroom hunting, we have seen three very nice species. The first mushroom I want to show you is one known by the name of ¨Neolentinus¨lepideus¨:  as you can see its growth is given on branches or tree trunks, its ¨hat¨ is very striking because of its small spots, some of the mushrooms we found were deteriorating, and although they do not have the best appearance, in some parts of the world they are used in some recipes

Mientras caminábamos rumbo al predio fue imposible no ver a estos hermosos y coloridos hongos, conocidos con el nombre de ¨Ganoderma¨ sessile¨:  curiosamente siempre que lo encontramos los hemos vistos escondidos entre el césped, seguramente bajo las hierbas debe estar un ¨tocón¨ de árbol, dado que estas especies crecen sobre superficie de madera, la verdad no creo que sea comestible por su dura textura, pero siendo honesto, debo decir que por su apariencia a un ¨panqueque¨ con ¨dulce¨ de ¨leche¨ y ¨crema¨, invita a preparar algo con ellos; otra cosa curiosa fue ver un hongo verde sobre su superficie, algo que en otras oportunidades no las había notado

Source: Family Álbum

As we walked towards the property it was impossible not to see these beautiful and colorful mushrooms, known by the name of ¨Ganoderma¨ sessile¨:  Curiously, whenever we find it we have seen it hidden in the grass, surely under the herbs there must be a tree ¨stump¨, since these species grow on wooden surfaces, the truth is I don't think it is edible due to its hard texture, but being honest, I must say that due to its appearance of a ¨pancake¨ with ¨sweet¨ of ¨milk¨ and ¨cream¨, it invites you to prepare something with them; Another curious thing was seeing a green fungus on its surface, something that I had not noticed before

Últimamente hemos estado descubriendo hongos sobre troncos de árboles que se ven bien en apariencia, me llama la atención haber encontrado este tipo llamado ¨Junghuhnia¨:  una particularidad de estos hongos es que se instalan en las ¨cortezas¨ de ramas o troncos en estado de descomposición, y estos los hemos visto en el tronco de un aparente ¨árbol¨¨saludable¨.

Source: Family Álbum

Lately we have been discovering mushrooms on tree trunks that look good in appearance, I am struck by having found this type called ¨Junghuhnia¨:  a peculiarity of these fungi is that they settle on the ¨barks¨ of branches or trunks in a state of decomposition, and we have seen these on the trunk of an apparently healthy "tree".

Para culminar tengo que decir que disfruto mucho caminar por esta hermosa reserva, sobre todo cuando a nuestros pasos nos cruzamos con especies de hongos preciosos, por eso me gusta llevar a nuestra caminata nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para fotografiar las cosas que llaman mi atención y que son útiles para compartir en mis posts

Source: Family Álbum

To conclude, I have to say that I really enjoy walking through this beautiful reserve, especially when we come across beautiful species of mushrooms, that's why I like to take our ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨ camera on our walk to photograph the things that catch my attention and that are useful to share in my posts


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

The mushroom catch you showed me was absolutely amazing and really entertained me.

Good morning dear friend @jhonkiller
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind
Have a lovely day

Very extraordinary mushroom my friend @jlufer❤️

Thank you very much dear friend @suarlex

Although the three mushrooms you found on the property are beautiful, what caught my attention the most were the last two, they have really very peculiar shapes
Beautiful photographs

You are so right, the last two mushrooms are the most striking, especially the last one.

Yes the mushrooms you displayed this time are very unique and pretty good friend @jlufer

Thank you very much dear friend @bananaklatbarat for appreciating the mushrooms we found this week, you are very kind
Have a beautiful day

Hi @jlufer

These three species are very interesting, I am amazed by the variety of mushrooms that are in your city. Thanks for sharing them.


Good morning dear friend @sirenahippie how are you?
The area where we look for mushrooms always surprises us with beautiful mushrooms, I hope that this season we find more species
Thank you very much for the support you give me
Have a wonderful weekend

You found some unique mushrooms 👍

How are you dear friend @mysteriousroad good day
Yes, it has been a great day for mushrooms, we found beautiful species
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs
Have a beautiful day

Wish you the same 😊

El último parece una roca incrustada en el árbol, es fascinante, mucho color y formas hermosas, gracias @jlufer 😃

Esos hongos que mencionas son muy llamativos, tienen una textura realmente extrañas, y es lo que ha llamado mucho mi atencion
Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing por apreciar mis fotogarfias
Que tengas una preciosa tarde

Siempre encontras muy buenas especies, me encantan!

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