Ordinary birds also have their charm [Esp/Eng].

in #hive-10644426 days ago
Hola amigos hivianos seguidores de esta increíble ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ : Hoy como todos los jueves, es el día de compartir con verdaderos apasionados de las aves, como ha sido el comportamiento de los amigos con plumas en el fondo de casa.

Source: Family Álbum

Hello hivian friends followers of this incredible ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ : Today, like every Thursday, is the day to share with true bird lovers, how has been the behavior of feathered friends in the backyard.

Esta es una de esas semanas tranquilas, no ha habido nada extraordinario para destacar, es decir, no ha habido una especie de ave recién llegada que altere el orden en nuestro patio trasero

Source: Family Álbum

This is one of those quiet weeks, there hasn't been anything extraordinary to highlight, that is, there hasn't been a newly arrived bird species that disrupts the order in our backyard

Aunque debo decir, que las aves que están habituadas en los árboles que tenemos en el fondo, han estado inquieta desde la última visita que tuvimos del hermoso ¨halconcito¨ (cuyas fotografías les enseñe la semana pasada en uno de mis posts), uno de los ¨gorriones¨ ha estado montando guardia en uno de los ¨postes¨ de ¨iluminación¨

Source: Family Álbum

Although I must say that the birds that are habituated in the trees that we have in the background, have been restless since the Last visit we had from the beautiful "little falcon" (whose photos I showed you last week in one of my posts), one of the "sparrows" has been standing guard on one of the "lighting" "posts"

El ¨gorrión¨ : es un ave muy inteligente, y con los años de estar viviendo cerca les ha permitido conocer muy bien a las personas, y en función a eso se adaptan en el lugar donde viven; si tengo que hablar del comportamiento de estas aves en mi hogar, diaria que esta especie se adueñó de mi hogar, dado que no hay un lugar de la casa que no lo visiten

Source: Family Álbum

The ¨sparrow¨ :  is a very intelligent bird, and over the years of living close by they have been able to get to know the birds very well. people, and based on that they adapt to the place where they live; If I have to talk about the behavior of these birds in my home, I know every day that this species took over my home, since there is no place in the house that they do not visit

Ante la falta de presencia de un ave extraordinaria, las aves ordinarias toman relevancia, en esta oportunidad, y con el gran trabajo que están haciendo vigilando desde el agujero del ¨poste¨ de ¨iluminación¨ no podían pasar desapercibidas, y se ganaron la oportunidad de representar a todas las aves del hogar en este maravilloso ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  una iniciativa de nuestra amiga @nelinoeva y para ser honestos me encanta acompañar cada semana

Source: Family Álbum

In the absence of the presence of an extraordinary bird, ordinary birds take on relevance, on this occasion, and with the great work they are doing watching from the hole of the "lighting" "post" they could not go unnoticed, and they earned the opportunity to represent all the birds in the home in this wonderful ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  an initiative by our friend @nelinoeva and to be honest I love to follow along every week


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Thank you very much dear friends @hive-106444

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thank you very much dear friend @ahmedhayat for the great support you give me
have a great day

Sparrows are very homely, take up residence wherever they are able to find a dry spot. Always a pleasure having them around the home, although here we are aware that you don't allow them to start nesting between the roof and ceiling.


It's true, they are very homely and have no problem with where they nest. Here we also try to prevent them from nesting between the roof and the ceiling.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit, dear friend @joanstewart, for the enormous support you always give me.
Enjoy a lovely afternoon

Similar problems we love birds, nesting is a problem, gecko another, followed up with snakes, every so often a mouse or rat manages to get up there. Sounds like a stampede above, then you know it's time to check the ceiling....

Have a wonderful day on your side of the pond as well.

Such a beautiful pictures 😍

Thank you very much dear friend @mysteriousroad for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind, have a wonderful afternoon


Thank you very much dear friends @rutablockchain

#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

You got a lot of great shots for the ordinary post this week.

This has been a great week for bird photography. Thank you very much dear friend @sunscape for appreciating my photographs. Have a lovely day.

Sparrows are beautiful birds, and as you say, they have taken over the whole house
Beautiful photographs

If they are birds that are used to being close to people, and yes, they took over the back of the house


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@joanstewart(2/10) tipped @jlufer

This post was curated by wilfredocav from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our Curation Trail - Delegations are Welcome

Thank you very much dear friends @visualshots

Me encantaron las fotografías donde esta escondido jajaja mira a través de ese espacio y está tan gracioso, muy buenas tomas conseguiste! Muy buen jueves @jlufer 😃

esa es una gorrion hembra, y la mayoria de las veces esta ahi observando todo, me extraña que haga su nido ahi mismo

Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing,
Un abrazo para toda la familia

Buscan cualquier lugar, y se ve graciosa! Abrazo de vuelta!!

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Thank you very much dear friends @Blessed-girl @dsc-r2cornell for the great support you always give me
I wish you all a great day

Good photos and a story, dear friend. By the way, in your photos, not only sparrows, but also a bird of the bunting family, which exactly species I don't know, they are difficult to identify right away.

Hello dear friend @ratel good day
I saw something different in them, but I thought they were a different species of sparrows, thank you very much for the information, I will look it up on the web
Have a great day

Sparrows have lot of enemies and must be vigilant.
Lovely post and entry. 🙂