Good evening everyone. How are you people doing?
You're all welcome to my blog.
I'm here again to share my handicraft with you.
Today, I made a Christmas tree. It was such a nice experience. I did it out of the passion I have for handicrafts.
The materials I used were pink cardboard paper, gum, a pencil, a ruler, white cardboard paper, and black beats.
I will be sharing the steps I took, but before then, I will share my final work.
First step: I measured the cardboard paper, and the measurement was 8 cm. I used scissors to cut it into eight pieces.
Second step: I folded those papers into two.
Third step: I folded it the second time to have a triangular shape.
Fourth step: I used gum to make them stick to each other.
Step five: I carved out a circle from white cardboard paper, which I used to make the Christmas tree.
Step six: I attached a black beat to the Christmas tree.
Step seven: I carved out a small piece of paper, which I used in making a small design. I also used gum to join the pieces of paper.
Step eight, I attached the design which looks like a handle on the Christmas tree.
Step nine: I carved out a paper which I used in making a bow before I attached it to the Christmas tree.
Immediately after that, I attached a paper bow to it.
Thank you for your time.