He taught me never to do him any favours.

in #hive-15021014 days ago

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One thing I learned from my parents is to always say "thank you" or show gratitude anytime someone offers me a helping hand, and this is a principle I have lived by up to this age. So, when I do someone a favor and they fail to appreciate it or even say "thank you," I don’t argue or try to make them see the need to show gratitude. Instead, I just move on, feign ignorance, or make sure never to do them such a favor again in light of how they behaved.

Recently, I was lying on my bed, and i was scrolling through TikTok, when one of my roommates came to me. He looked calm but had a sad expression on his face. He told me that he had run out of cash and needed money to buy food from the school cafeteria. At first, I didn’t want to lend him any money because I know how people can be, and I was worried he might not pay me back. But seeing his troubled look and his polite approach made me decide to help him. We agreed on a specific date for him to repay me, and I quickly sent the money to his bank account.

Later on,he had money and was buying different food and drinks and was spending money lavishly and enjoying his life and he didn't even think of paying me back the money he borrowed. Little did he know, that I have been watching him and I was just waiting for the time we both agreed he would pay to arrive.

Now, the day we both agreed came and he still didn't approach me to pay the money. I also needed money at that time so I just decided to approach him instead , as the saying goes " If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain". I went to him with a calm voice and said to him " Hey , I thought you might have forgotten so I came to inform you that today is the day we both agreed you will pay me back. His response shocked me: "I didn’t forget; I just didn’t want to pay you back. Besides, how much money am I really owing you that you’re disturbing me about it?"

I didn't want things to escalate so I just explained to him I needed the money urgently. His response actually got me infuriated, to make the matter worse he now said henceforth he won't be borrowing money from me because he doesn't like people disturbing him. I was angry but I didn't even say much I just left his face and sent my account number to his dm on WhatsApp.

Even after sending him my account number he still took him hours to send the money but I didn't complain. I just made myself a promise to never repeat the same mistake of doing him such favours again in the future. I honestly learned my lesson and i will be more careful about who I choose to help going forward.

This is my entry to the #cleanplanet by @nwothini335 and #septemberinleo day 2 contest .You can also participate by clicking here.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha